28 Mar 2008

Telekom'a demir attı

Telekom'a demir attı

Çanakkale Boğazı'nda, bu sabah makine arızası yapan Sierra Leone bandıralı “Lady Shaimaa” adlı yük gemisinin, Türk Telekom'un boğazdan geçen erişim kablolarının üzerine demir attığı belirlendi.

Alınan bilgiye göre, arızanın ardından acil olarak bulunduğu bölgeye demir atan geminin kaptanı, demir almaya çalıştığı sırada çapanın bir yere takıldığını fark edince, durumu Gemi Trafik Hizmetleri yetkililerine bildirdi. Yapılan araştırmada, çapanın Çanakkale Boğazı'nda su altından geçen Türk Telekom'a ait deniz fiber erişim kablolarına takıldığı belirlendi. Bunun üzerine gemi kaptanı, demir almaması konusunda uyarıldı. Yetkililer, geminin büyük bir olasılıkla çapanın zincirinin kesilmesinin ardından bölgeden hareket ettirilip, Karanlık Liman bölgesine demirletileceğini kaydettiler. Öte yandan, Türk Telekom Çanakkale İl Müdürlüğü yetkilileri, kazadan sonra Telekom'un hizmetlerinde bir aksaklık yaşanmadığını bildirdiler. Romanya'dan Yunanistan'a 2 bin 400 ton çelik götüren 114 metre uzunluğunda, 3 bin 139 grostonluk yük gemisinin makineleri, Çanakkale Boğazı'ndan geçiş yaptığı sırada Çamburnu önlerinde arızalanmış, gemi bulunduğu bölgeye demir atmıştı.

27 Mar 2008

WiMAX has 'failed miserably'

WiMAX has 'failed miserably'

By Bill Ray

Australian wireless carrier Buzz Broadband has shuttered its WiMAX network, describing the technology as a "disaster" that has "failed miserably".

Speaking at an international WiMAX conference in Bangkok, Garth Freeman, CEO of Buzz, claimed the technology didn't work indoors more than 2Km from the base station and had latency as high as a second. High latency is a problem for many internet applications, including the VoIP service that Buzz promoted to get customers.

The lack of in-building penetration is a result of using high frequencies, which can carry lots of data but have shorter ranges and can't get into buildings, as anyone using a 3G network will testify. There has been a hope, in the industry, that WiMAX would magically solve these problems but radio frequency physics remain problematic.

The industry was quick to blame Airspan, which provided the infrastructure to Buzz, but the supplier was equally quick to blame its customer, saying that cost-cutting had led to an ineffective network.

"With regard to range ... Buzz Broadband opted to go with the less-expensive micro-cell base stations to reduce cost," Declan Byrne chief marketing officer at Airspan, said in an open letter.

But the failure of Buzz has also been attributed to its business model, which contrasts with the success of KT Corp's WiBro deployment in South Korea - always held up as the proof that mobile WiMAX can succeed. KT didn't try and sell VoIP services, and was covering an urban area where denser deployment of cells makes in-building penetration less of a problem, so indicating the kind of service WiMAX is more suited towards.

Hopefully, the lesson won't be lost on Comcast and Time Warner, who are apparently in talks aimed at funding a US-national WiMAX network to be run by Sprint. The Wall Street Journal reports that Comcast would sink in $1bn, with Time Warner putting up $500m, though the deal is still under negotiation.

One failed deployment will do little to derail the WiMAX juggernaut. But Buzz should serve as a useful lesson in what can go wrong with WiMAX, and how to avoid it. Buzz will continue to offer wireless connectivity in Australia, but not with WiMAX

26 Mar 2008

WiMAX being rolled out in at least 20 African countries

WiMAX being rolled out in at least 20 African countries

Research and Markets has announced the addition of “Africa - Convergence, NGN, WiMAX” to its offering. With poor fixed-line network infrastructure in most African countries, the extent of Next Generation Networks (NGN) and services on the continent is still limited.

There are, however, encouraging developments. Several countries have launched broadband initiatives and are rolling out dedicated IP networks and new fiber-optic links. Given the still large amounts of unsatisfied demand for basic voice services in Africa, Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a primary application at this stage, and this technology is now gaining ground on the continent following steady improvements in Internet bandwidth, deregulation in several countries and the growing number of VoIP service providers entering the market.

The first Triple-Play services have been launched across the continent, offering converged voice, data and broadband TV/video. WiMAX technology, currently being rolled out in at least 20 African countries, will enable the continent to leapfrog straight to wireless NGNs at affordable cost.

Turkcell Starts Turkey's First Voice Message Service

Turkcell Starts Turkey's First Voice Message Service

Turkcell, a leading GSM operator in Turkey, started the country`s first voice message service. A press release issued by Turkcell said the voice message system allows users to record 30 seconds long messages and send it to other users. It is enough for users to dial "*" instead of "0" before the desired number and record their message and instantly their message is transmitted. Voice messages cost the same price as short messages. The voice message receivers can listen to voice messages charge free by dialing "*0*". Seven GSM operators provide voice message service to 130 million subscribers worldwide

WSJ: Comcast, Time Warner May Fund WiMax

Wall Street Journal: Comcast, Time Warner May Fund WiMax

Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable Inc. are discussing a plan to fund a new wireless Internet venture that would be run by Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp., The Wall Street Journal reported late Tuesday.

The partnership would create a nationwide network using WiMax technology, which promises faster wireless Web connection speeds for laptops and cell phones than mobile operators' third-generation networks.

Under the plan, Philadelphia-based Comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, would put up as much as $1 billion, while No. 2 Time Warner Cable would add $500 million, the Journal reported, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter. Another cable operator, Bright House Networks, would contribute $100 million to $200 million, the Journal said.

Spokesmen for Comcast and Sprint declined to comment when reached by The Associated Press late Tuesday. Representatives of New York-based Time Warner Cable could not immediately be reached for comment.

Sprint, based in Overland Park, Kan., is testing WiMax service in a few markets, and Clearwire, a Kirkland, Wash., startup founded by wireless pioneer Craig McCaw, has its own network based on WiMax technology in some parts of the country. The two companies have been working for months on a joint WiMax venture that would attract funding from WiMax backer Intel Corp.

Google Inc. could also provide funding, the Journal reported.

Under the plan being discussed, the amount of each company's contribution could change, and it is still possible the entire deal could fall through, the Journal said

Thai AIS to spend $48 mln on WiMax first phase

Thai AIS to spend $48 mln on WiMax first phase

Advanced Info Service ADVA.BK, Thailand's top mobile operator, said on Wednesday it would spend 1.5 billion baht ($48 million) on implementing the first phase of the new super high speed WiMax wireless technology.

AIS planned to launch WiMax, which allows users to surf Internet and download data, songs and movies at distances as much as tens of kilometres (miles), within 3 months after getting a licence, chief executive Vikrom Sripataks told reporters.

The budget would be used to install 350-450 base stations in suburban areas and major cities and main coverage would be areas where there was no fixed line network, chief marketing officer Sanchai Thiewprasertkul said.

AIS is among 12 companies which received WiMax trial licences from regulators with Motorola and China's Huawei Techenologies Co Ltd [HWT.UL] supplying the equipment. ($1 = 31.40 Baht)

Vodafone launches foundation in Turkey

Vodafone launches foundation in Turkey

Vodafone announced plans to allocate YTL 3 million to charity throughout Turkey this year, through the newly established Vodafone Foundation Turkey.

Each year Vodafone Group donates 100 million British pounds to charities and NGOs around the world. Seventy million pounds are allocated to the 23 national foundations it has established in countries it operates in, while 30 million pounds are administered by the U.K. based Vodafone Foundation headquarters.

The foundation officially established yesterday will receive a donation from Vodafone Foundation's headquarters in the U.K. every year, based on national performance and Vodafone Foundation Turkey will match this amount. For this year a total sum of YTL 3 million will be allocated to the United Nations Development Programme's computer literacy program, the “Support for Teachers” program organized by the Education Ministry and the Turkish Education Foundation among others to be announced next month.

“It is a pleasure to see one of our remarkable new entrants in the realm of social responsibility,” said Dr. Mahmood Ayub, U.N. resident coordinator in Turkey. With Turkey's large young population and thousands of new entrants in the Turkish labor market every year, he said, giving the country the technological competitive advantage and contributing to their education was one of the responsibilities of the newly established foundation.

20 Mar 2008

VoIP 'leads the way' in 2008 growth

VoIP 'leads the way' in 2008 growth

A new study has found the number of households and businesses choosing voice over internet protocol (VoIP) technology in the US is shadowing European adoption trends and is expected to rise in 2008, according to reports.

The study by IBISWorld ranks VoIP as the number one industry expected to do well in 2008, forecasting annual growth of 24.3 per cent for the sector.

Much of this growth will be driven by rising subscriptions, with 16.6 million people expected to sign up to a VoIP service this year. This represents a 21.2 per cent rise in subscribers from 2007.

The number of businesses choosing VoIP technology for their telephony will also rise - by 44.5 per cent to 2,190 establishments nationwide.

IBISWorld senior analyst George von Horn said by 2012, revenue from the VoIP market is expected to grow 90.2 per cent to top $4.88 billion (£2.46 billion).

A recent article by TMCnet said Europe, the Middle East and Africa have the highest levels of VoIP flow, accounting for 42.5 per cent of worldwide traffic.

NANOIDENT Names Cenk Serdar to Supervisory Board Turkcell Executive to Advise Leading Printed Semiconductor Company

NANOIDENT Names Cenk Serdar to Supervisory Board Turkcell Executive to Advise Leading Printed Semiconductor Company

NANOIDENT Technologies AG, the world leader in the development and production of printed semiconductor-based sensors, today announced that Mr. Cenk Serdar, Chief Value Added Services Officer for Turkcell A.Ş., was named to the company’s Supervisory Board in a recent special shareholders’ meeting.

“We are pleased to welcome Mr. Serdar to the NANOIDENT board,” said Klaus G. Schroeter, NANOIDENT CEO. “We are expanding our sales and business development activities, and his extensive sales management experience and global network of contacts to leading IT and communications companies will be a definite asset. We look forward to his knowledgeable guidance and insight as we continue to build our company’s leadership role in the printed semiconductor industry and to bring new applications to market.”

Mr. Serdar is Chief VAS Officer for Turkcell, whose founding shareholder MV Holding recently invested in NANOIDENT. An experienced executive in communication technologies and IT, Mr. Serdar has a broad background in strategic planning encompassing sales, marketing, business development, and operations management, with a track record of significant revenue and profitability growth. Having graduated from the Industrial Engineering Department of Bilkent University, Ankara, he later received his MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He held several executive positions in various industries, mainly in technology and finance, before being promoted to Deputy CEO of Doğuş Automotive AŞ in charge of Sales and Marketing. In January 2005, Mr. Serdar joined Turkcell Group as General Manager of its Mapco value-added services division, until persuading Turkcell to combine Mapco with the company’s other VAS initiatives into a single organization; since then he has established Turkcell as a pioneer in value-added services both in consumer and corporate segments, which include mobile broadband, mobile advertising, mobile payment, mobile government, and an award-winning mobile signature service.

”NANOIDENT’s technology will enable highly reliable mobile- and web-based security solutions, as well as cost-effective mobile test systems for medical and environmental applications,” Mr. Serdar said. “I look forward to working with my fellow board members and the management team at NANOIDENT at this exciting stage of the company’s development, as it moves into sales and volume production of these innovative solutions.”
About NANOIDENT Technologies AG

NANOIDENT’s high speed, environmentally friendly manufacturing process utilizes liquid nanomaterials and additive production techniques. These liquids are used to print electronic circuits on a wide variety of surfaces, producing products in mere hours for prototype as well as high volume applications. The company’s printed semiconductor devices can be bendable, disposable, light, ultrathin, and large area. They have application specific spectral and electronic properties, and can contain light sources and light detectors as well as electronic circuits. These unique characteristics enable cost-effective, custom designed devices for applications such as industrial, chemical, biological, and biometric sensors. Privately held, the company is headquartered in Linz, Austria, with subsidiaries in Menlo Park, California; Nuremberg, Germany; and Grenoble, France.

Turkcell'den yüksek lisans öğrencilerine burs

Turkcell'den yüksek lisans öğrencilerine burs

Turkcell, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ile başlattığı program kapsamında 50 yüksek lisans öğrencisine karşılıksız burs verecek.

Gnçtrkcll Yüksek Lisans Burs Programının tanıtım toplantısında konuşan Turkcell Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Selen Kocabaş, Turkcell'in, kuruluşundan bu yana insana yatırım yapan bir kurum olduğunu belirterek, bu bağlamda, “Önce insan, öncü Turkcell” inancıyla çalışmalarını sürdürdüklerini anlattı.

Turkcell'in üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik “7 Bölge/7 Üniversite”, “PAF Takımı”, “Univercell” ve “Turkcell Mobil Gelecek Yarışması” gibi çeşitli projeler yürüttüğünü hatırlatan Kocabaş, gnçtrkcll Yüksek Lisans Burs Programı ile de önceliğin yüksek lisans öğrencilerinde olmasını istediklerini söyledi.

Verilen bursların yüzde 98'lik bölümünden lisans öğrencilerinin yararlandığını belirten Kocabaş, Turkcell'in de bu projeyle yüksek lisans öğrencilerini, karşılıksız bursla destekleyeceğini, projenin 14 üniversite ile başladığını kaydetti.
Gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtlayan Kocabaş, burstan yararlanacak öğrencilerin Yüksek lisans Burs Programı komitesi tarafından belirlendiğini, burada başarının önemli bir kriter olduğunu söyledi.

Projeye bu yıl 50 öğrenci ile başladıklarını, bunun devamlılığını amaçladıklarını ve önümüzdeki dönemde bursiyer sayısını ikiye katlayacaklarını bildiren Kocabaş, Turkcell'in sosyal sorumluluk projeleri için ayırdığı bütçenin sorulması üzerine ise, “Turkcell'in topluma değer yaratma önceliği var. Biz Turkcell'i, Türkiye'nin Turkcell'i olarak konumlandırıyoruz. Bunlar emek ve gönül işi olan projeler, ancak Turkcell'in bu konuda belirgin bir bütçesi de mevcut” dedi.

Türkiye Bilişim Derneği Başkanı Doç. Dr. Turhan Menteş de programın üniversitelerdeki araştırma çalışmalarına ciddi katkıda bulunacağını söyledi.

Türkiye'nin geleceğinde gençlere büyük görevler düştüğünü dile getiren Menteş, ülkenin kalkınmasında gençlerin önemli rolünün bulunduğunu anlattı.

Bursun eğitimde itici bir güç olduğunun altını çizen Menteş, yasal zeminlerde öğrencilerin desteklenmesinin önemine dikkat çekti.

Bursiyerlerden Gaye Genç ise üniversiteler ile özel sektörün el ele çalışması gerektiğine inandıklarını belirterek, yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin maddi kaygılar nedeniyle araştırmalarına yeterince konsantre olamadıklarınını anlattı.

Turkcell, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği katkılarıyla hayata geçirdiği gnçtrkcll Yüksek Lisans Burs Programı kapsamında, üniversiteyi başarıyla tamamlayan yüksek lisans öğrencilerine, 2007-2008 eğitim yılında başlamak üzere iki yıl boyunca burs desteğinde bulunacak.

Program kapsamında her bir öğrenciye 9 biner YTL destek verilecek.

2007-2008 Akademik Yılı, Ocak ayında başlayan Yüksek Lisans Burs Programından 14 devlet üniversitesinin Fen Bilimleri (Elektrik, Elektronik Mühendisliği, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği), Sosyal Bilimler (İşletme, Pazarlama, Ürün Yönetimi) bölümlerinde yüksek lisans yapan öğrenciler yararlanabilecek.

Programa Anadolu Üniversitesi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Ege Üniversitesi, Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İTÜ, KTÜ, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Marmara Üniversitesi, ODTÜ, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi dahil olurken, programın ilerleyen yıllarda yaygınlaştırılması hedefleniyor.

Program kapsamında burs alan öğrencilerin takibinin ise Türkiye Bilişim Derneği ve Turkcell Akademi tarafından düzenli bilgi paylaşımı yapılarak sağlanacağı kaydedildi.

Avea, Turkcell'e açtığı SMS davasını kazandı

Avea, Turkcell’e açtığı SMS davasını kazandı

AVEA Turkcell’e açtığı ve yerel mahkemede kazandığı SMS fiyatlandırması sonucu oluşan alacak davasını, Yargıtay’da da kazandığını duyurdu. Avea İletişim Hizmetleri’nden yapılan açıklamaya göre, bu sayede Turkcell’in yaptığı 15 milyon 87 bin 260,30 YTL’lik ödemenin Avea’da kalmasına karar verildi. Avea ile Turkcell arasındaki gerek ara bağlantı sözleşmesinde, gerekse sözleşmeye ek olarak yapılan protokolde, SMS ücreti belirlenmediği ve uygulamanın bu şekilde Şubat 2005’e kadar devam ettiği belirtilen açıklamada, Turkcell’in bu tarihten itibaren SMS’ler için tek taraflı ücret belirleyerek fatura gönderdiği ve Avea’nın bu faturalara itiraz ettiği aktarıldı.

Vodafone starts a series of initiatives to invest in the data sales and cuts 450 Jobs

Vodafone starts a series of initiatives to invest in the data sales and cuts 450 Jobs

Vodafone UK has announced a 'series of initiatives to invest in the data sales and service experience it delivers, in order to stay ahead of its competitors.' One of which is making 450 staff redundant.

In a bid to 'simplify its operating model' a total of 450 redundancies in Vodafone UK, mainly at its Newbury headquarters, will be made. Cuts will be across the board including senior management levels which will be reduced by 20%.

However, Voda will be looking to recruit more people into other areas of the business, including a further 330 retail advisors into its stores to meet data product sales demand. The new retail bods will be showing customers how to use the non-phone functions of their mobiles, such as downloading tracks and surfing the mobile interweb, things which have a higher margin than a phonecall.

The company will also be creating up to 130 sales and service roles in Vodafone UK’s enterprise business as well as significantly developing its on-line sales and customer service activity, including enhanced e-billing capability, adding a further 30 roles.

On top of all this a new, 850 seat purpose built customer services centre will be built in Stoke-on-Trent, although there's no mention of bums for the seats. Looking at the maths - (330 + 130 + 30 = 490) - 450 = 40. So you can expect these extra 40 staff to enjoy games of football, musical chairs, and hide & seek in the new offices in Stoke.

Nick Read, Chief Executive of Vodafone UK commented: “Vodafone UK is clearly focused on building on its market leading position in data products and services. Today we are announcing a series of targeted investments to meet growing demand in this area, whilst simplifying the way we work, putting the customer at the heart of everything we do.”

Motorola awarded $165 Million Nationwide WiMAX Contract for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Atheeb Awards Motorola $165 Million Nationwide WiMAX Contract for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Motorola, Inc. today announced a $165 million WiMAX 802.16e infrastructure contract with Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Company (Atheeb) that will enable the new service provider to offer compelling and unique broadband services to subscribers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Atheeb selected Motorola based on Motorola's global leadership and ability to deliver a fully integrated end-to-end nationwide WiMAX solution. The contract includes the delivery of Motorola's new WAP 800 access point, featuring smart antenna technology, plus a comprehensive service package including end-to-end delivery of network planning, installation, optimization and support services. Broadband will be available to customers across the Kingdom, reaching into areas of demand that until now have been underserved.

Ali Amer, vice president, Middle East, Africa and Pakistan, Motorola Home & Networks Mobility said, "Motorola is delighted to be working side by side with Atheeb to address the appetite of Saudi customers for high-speed communications. This will be delivered utilizing Motorola's leading, cost- effective, and proven WiMAX 802.16e technology and services. Users demand connectivity whether they're at home or in the office, and Motorola is excited to work with Atheeb to meet this from concept to reality."

Motorola is a global leader in WiMAX with 19 WiMAX contracts and more than 75 engagements in 44 countries worldwide. The WAP 800 access point technology to be deployed with Atheeb has 4 transmit and 8 receive antennas per sector providing optimal coverage and uplink data performance.

Nortel Wins $300M VOIP Deal

Nortel Wins $300M VOIP Deal

The Social Security Administration plans a move to VOIP in preparation for retiring baby boomers. Nortel Networks is the contractor on a 10-year, $300 million project for the Social Security Administration, which is upgrading the telephone systems in its field offices to offer voice over IP.

The project is one of the largest deployments to date, Nortel officials said March 18.

The SSA intends to upgrade 1,600 field offices to IP telephony based on Nortel's Communication Server 1000 IP PBX, Nortel said. It will move off existing telephone systems and onto Nortel's Communication Server 1000 at 205 field offices in the first year, and then migrate 500 field offices a year as it moves to VOIP.

The TSRP (Telephone Systems Replacement Project) is intended to help the SSA better handle the coming influx of retiring baby boomers and provide more efficient call handling to more quickly connect callers to the experts who can answer their questions about Social Security, Nortel said.

The project will also include contact center, unified messaging and integrated voice response for as many as 55,000 SSA field agents. Those will be based on Nortel's Media Processing Server 500 IVR, Unified Messaging 2000 and CallPilot contact center systems. The contract also includes Nortel IP handsets.

"This validates our ability to do large-scale, mission-critical deployments," said Net Payne, vice president of North American marketing at Nortel.

At the VoiceCon show in Orlando, Fla., Nortel announced that, like its Innovative Communications Alliance partner Microsoft, it had penned a global deal to jointly deliver high-definition and telepresence videoconferencing with Tandberg.

Nortel, which already has a similar agreement with Polycom, will provide technology services around Tandberg's HD and Telepresence systems and offer those as a managed service.

Also at the show, Nortel announced that it had added a mobility extension to the latest release of its CS 1000 that integrates cell phones and smart phones into its call services.

It provides "a single interface between the desk and cell phone, five-digit dialing and seamless handoffs from the desk phone to the mobile phone. We're bringing unified communications to life by tying mobile into what you have in the office," Payne said.

CS 1000 Version 5.5, due in April, also provides a presence indicator to let co-workers know when the user is available or on the phone, including the mobile phone; the ability to move from one handset to another device without interrupting the call via a handoff button on the desk phone; and the ability to be identified by callers on a single phone line.

Nortel also updated its Mobile Communication 3100 fixed mobile convergence offering to allow phone calls to be handed off to a wireless LAN, available now. "It provides a seamless handoff between the internal corporate WLAN and the mobile device. It can save 30 percent of wireless costs," Payne said.

Nearly Half of Quebec Uses VoIP

Nearly Half of Quebec Uses VoIP

The number of traditional phone systems being used by Canadians in Quebec is dwindling at a very quick pace. In 2006, 16 percent of phone systems there were cable- or internet-based. In 2007, that number more nearly tripled to 44 percent. The study, by Leger Marketing, was a surprise since VoIP only became available in most areas of Quebec in 2005. Impressive.

According to The Canadian Press:

“Eventually everything is going to be VoIP,” said Jon Arnold, a VoIP analyst and principal of J Arnold and Associates.

“It’s going to be a long time before that happens and the telecom companies…will want to milk the land-line business as long as they can.”

But as the technology becomes more popular, legacy providers could face serious competition from smaller, more innovative providers.

Arun Sarin: industry must come together to define mobile advertising standards

Vodafone sees huge mobile ads growth

THE chief executive of the world's biggest mobile phone group has identified mobile advertising as a key area of revenue growth and expects sales of more than $US100 million ($108 million) within a few years.

The biggest issue in the still-nascent market was with the advertisers understanding the value they could get from mobile advertising, Vodafone Group chief Arun Sarin told Media.

"They have seen things go from television to the internet, which is now pretty solid," he said.

"We have to be there first, otherwise somebody else is going to be serving these ads."

Mr Sarin said the industry must come together to define mobile advertising standards.

"When a chief marketing officer is wanting exposure to a certain customer group, for television 30-second advertising it is pretty specialised," he said.

"Internet - whether it's banners or whatever - it's pretty well sorted.

"For the mobile industry, Vodafone does it one way, all our competitors do it another way.

"I am saying, guys, let's get to there fast so we can present to the advertising (sector) a common face. If we do that it will be terrific thing," he said.

Vodafone Australia's marketing chief John Casey said the company (which is No.3 in size in the local market) was probably the most advanced in terms of its mobile advertising platform.

"Rather than waiting for the industry to collaborate on a set of standards, we have published our own set of standards," Mr Casey said. "As well, we have a rate card for the various properties in the mobile advertising areas, from sponsored content to sponsored talk and text to banner advertising on your mobile portal.

"We have been working directly with blue-chip brands such as Coca-Cola, 2Oth Century Fox, LG and Sony BMG."

Mr Casey said mobile advertising was still at the education and trial phase but some of the brands had become repeat customers.

Hutchison's 3 network, Vodafone's fast growing rival, also believed mobile advertising as an area of growth.

"We have already run a number of mobile advertising campaigns. That's given us a good feel of how responsive customers are," 3 mobile advertising manager Angus Beattie said.

"It's early days for mobile advertising and revenues will increase only if the personal, direct and interactive nature of the mobile is used properly, and if there is a value transaction.

"The Ford Ashes campaign, which offered customers free video calls, included 100 per cent advertiser exclusivity, portal sites, video highlights, mobile messaging promotion and bill inserts to the Planet 3 customer base.

"The campaign saw over one million customer interactions, a peak of 95,000 Cricket TV streams on the campaign's first day and 400,000 minutes of free video calls."

EU says more effort needed to boost broadband use

EU says more effort needed to boost broadband use

The European Union's 300 billon euro ($470 billion) telecoms market grew 1.9 percent last year when it saw investment up for a fifth year running, but more needs to be done to boost broadband use, the bloc's top telecoms regulator said on Wednesday.

EU Telecoms Commissioner, Viviane Reding, said only eight of the bloc's 27 member states were ahead of the United States in broadband use, with Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden world leaders with nearly a third of homes hooked up.

"These EU countries, together with the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg and France, all had broadband penetration rates higher than the United States in July 2007," Reding said in her annual update on competition in telecoms markets.

Broadband use in Europe reached 20 percent overall, still lagging the 22.1 percent in the United States.

The EU executive body sees increasing the use of broadband as key to boosting competition in the retail sector, offering consumers more choice and driving down prices.

Broadband is also seen as key to helping set up new businesses, particularly in more remote regions.

However, there is considerable scope for further consumer benefits from a reinforced single market, strengthened competition and reduced regulatory burden for market players, Reding said in a statement.

"The European regulatory model is designed to increase competition in the telecoms market and this certainly is starting to pay off," Reding said.

"However, the job is not yet done. Competition is limited for access to the fixed network which is still provided to 86.5 percent of customers over the incumbent's infrastructure," she said in reference to former state-owned monopoly operators such as Deutsche Telekom and France Telecom.

Investment in telecoms in the EU last year was over 50 billion euros, in line with the United States and higher than in China and Japan combined.

Some 19 million broadband lines were added in the EU in 2007, the equivalent of more than 50,000 households every day in a sector that generated estimated revenues of 62 billion euros.

Meanwhile, the mobile phone sector continues to be the largest telecoms market, with revenues last year up 3.8 precent at 137 billion euros.

Fixed voice telephony revenues fell five percent last year but Reding said fixed operators were compensated by strong growth in their broadband services, generating revenues of 62 billion euros.

19 Mar 2008

Why is mobile VoIP so slow to take off?

Why is mobile VoIP so slow to take off?

By Ingrid Lunden

RIM's first handheld BlackBerry wireless e-mail device, launched in 1999, filled an important gap in the market for secure, enterprise-quality mobile web messaging. The BlackBerry spread like wildfire.

Even though investment in mobile enterprise is growing - an estimate from analysts Frost & Sullivan sees spending on mobile enterprise rising at a compound annual rate of 21.3 per cent between 2007 and 2013 - BlackBerry-type booms are not enjoyed by all new wireless applications for business markets.

Voice over internet protocol, or VoIP, has been gaining ground in the enterprise market, as legacy systems are gradually replaced by their IP-based offspring.

But the mobile incarnation of VoIP has struggled to get going, despite being promoted by a raft of start-ups with names such as Jangl, Jajah, Rebtel and Truphone, as well as bigger telecoms groups, and used over either mobile data networks, such as 3G, or Wi-Fi.

Given enterprise users' constant desire to reduce mobile costs, particularly roaming charges for voice, what has been the hold-up?

Some point the finger at mobile operators. "I don't think enterprise mobile VoIP is going anywhere at the moment," says Phil Sayer, a principal analyst at Forrester Research.

He points out that people currently buy mobile voice minutes on a bundled basis, paying a monthly fee, for example, for 200 or 400 minutes plus data. "The mobile operators aren't offering bundles for VoIP; they're positively trying to make it go away. So there is no immediate benefit for the business user or purchasing folks to adopt it."

Others say the phones themselves do not make the job of using mobile VoIP very easy. With operators often blocking services over their mobile networks, mobile VoIP services typically need smartphones with Wi-Fi connections and special downloaded software, or soft clients, to work.

But the soft client market in Europe is small. Frost & Sullivan puts it at about 180,000 users, although the analysts point out it is growing more than 50 per cent a year.

Although many of the mobile VoIP services today are marketed as "free" or at least very cheap, supporters of mobile VoIP point out that there other advantages beside cost - like its fixed-line version, putting VoIP on mobiles would make adding other kinds of voice-based services, such as conferencing, easier.

Shomik Banerjee, industry analyst for enterprise communications at Frost & Sullivan, says that interest in these extras has waxed and waned: "A few years back there was a big fuss about mobile conferencing, then it died down, and now there is some movement again. Most employees don't stay at their desks, so there is more need for conferencing capabilities in mobile phones."

There do, indeed, appear to be more of these services on the horizon: Truphone has announced it is linking up with free conference calling specialists, Iotum, to provide conference facilities.

Companies such as Truphone think mobile VoIP may end up following the well-trodden route of informal "prosumer" adoption first, and formal enterprise deployments later, much as Skype usage by business people led IT managers to rethink their VoIP and instant messaging offerings

"In the modern world, there is no distinction between the business and consumer user," says James Tagg, chief executive of Truphone. "Technologies move across the two seamlessly."

Mr Tagg says more than half of Truphone's subscribers, tens of thousands across 149 countries, use it for business.

Indeed there have been a few recent consumer-focused developments from leading technology brands that could go some way to making mobile VoIP more user-friendly for business users.

Apple recently announced the release of an iPhone software development kit that will facilitate more applications for enterprise users. Truphone has been one of the mobile VoIP operators to say it will make a client to use on the iPhone platform. (Steve Jobs, boss of Apple, says only VoIP applications that work over Wi-Fi rather than mobile operators' 3G networks will be supported.)

At the same time, Google is trickling its newly acquired unified phone-number service, Grand Central, into the market.

Some do not think mobile VoIP, at least in current product offerings, can be compared with the rapid growth of fixed VoIP.

Mr Sayer at Forrester says: "Skype spread through the consumer world because it was dead easy to use. [With mobile VoIP,] it will only be geeks who use Wi-Fi to make a call. Others don't want to play around with the technology.

"Some mobile operators still block VoIP traffic, but sooner or later the dam will burst because you can't defend that kind of position indefinitely."

18 Mar 2008

Cambodia's CityLink selected Redline's RedMAX WiMAX products

Cambodia's CityLink selected Redline's RedMAX WiMAX products

Redline Communications Group Inc., a leading provider of standards-based WiMAX and broadband wireless infrastructure products, today announced that CityLink, the largest Internet Service Provider in Cambodia, has chosen Redline's WiMAX Forum Certified(TM) RedMAX(TM) products for its multi-city WiMAX network.

CityLink has initiated its two-city, phased deployment in Cambodia's capital city of Phnom Penh and is currently serving hundreds of business and residential subscribers. CityLink allows its WiMAX subscribers to choose from a variety of service packages, including WiMAX@Night, WiMAX@Home and WiMAX Unlimited. The internet service provider plans to extend its RedMAX network to the well established tourist city of Siem Reap, serving thousands of subscribers in 2008, and to extend its network to an additional ten cities in 2009.

"To meet growing demand for broadband services throughout Cambodia, CityLink required a WiMAX solution that could support a high capacity of users while enabling us to deliver the service packages that meet our customers' needs," said Rotha Chhay, Chief Executive Officer, CityLink. "Redline's true open WiMAX system, with its ease of installation, enabled us to quickly and cost-effectively integrate RedMAX with our existing wired network and immediately offer WiMAX services to our subscribers."

CityLink is among the latest service providers in Asia to adopt WiMAX technologies to expand its existing communications networks. The CityLink deployment is being managed by ECOMM Tech, a systems integrator and Redline Certified Silver Partner.

"Redline has helped carriers around the world to install and deploy reliable, profitable WiMAX networks to deliver the advanced services its customers need," said Kevin Suitor, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, Redline Communications Group Inc. "There are now more than 150 deployments of our WiMAX Forum Certified RedMAX products worldwide, 49 of which are revenue-generating commercial networks. Working with ECOMM Tech, CityLink has planned a professional WiMAX network that we expect will generate a rapid return on investment."
"Redline's RedMAX WiMAX offering have proven to be a cost-effective and reliable solution for expanding and enhancing communications networks," said Benjamin Fang, Business Manager, ECOMM Tech. "CityLink's well-planned WiMAX strategy will enable its customers to benefit from true broadband access."

Alcatel-Lucent wins network order from WiMAX Telecom in Croatia

Alcatel-Lucent wins network order from WiMAX Telecom in Croatia

Alcatel-Lucent said it has been selected by WiMAX Telecom to supply a network in Croatia. Financial terms were not disclosed. Alcatel-Lucent is to provide a WiMAX 802.16e-2005 (Rev-e) network, starting in the Split and Osijek areas. WiMAX stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access and enables voice and broadband connectivity for fixed, nomadic or mobile use in urban, suburban and rural areas, Alcatel-Lucent said in its press release. WiMAX Telecom is a broadband wireless access operator, with 3.5 GHz frequency licenses in Austria, Croatia, Germany, Slovakia and Switzerland.

Sabancı, Koç and Turkcell lead "socially responsible companies"

Survey maps companies' responsibility to society

Sabancı Holding, Koç Holding and Turkcell lead Turkey's “socially responsible companies,” a survey by monthly “Capital” reveals. The annual survey, sponsored by Philip Morris and Sabancı, maps the nation's business leaders and leading companies in corporate social responsibility (CSR).

The “Social Responsibility Leaders” survey consists of two parts, one based on interviews with the public, and the other focused on the business world. This year 376 business leaders and 1,321 people “on the street” were surveyed, according to the magazine's March issue.

In the public part of the survey, Sabancı Holding, Koç Holding and Turkcell got the first three ranks respectively, just like in 2007. “Consciousness on social responsibility for us means to produce solutions through creating a difference and to meet the needs of the public. It is also a fundamental part of business understanding,” said Güler Sabancı, Sabancı Holding chairwoman.

The Sabancı Foundation allocated most of its CSR budget for education, according to Ahmet Dördüncü, Sabancı Holding CEO.

In the business leaders part of the survey, Turkcell topped the list as the leading company, as in 2007. Turkcell is the leading Turkish company in CSR activities, according to 44 percent of business world participants. “We have provided Turkcell scholarships for 18,400 students since 2000. We increased the number of students we support from 5,000 to 10,000 in 2007,” said Filiz Karagül Tüzün, chairwoman of the Turkcell Corporate Communications Department.

Education comes first:

Education stood out both in 2007 and 2008 in the context of CSR works, said Fulya Durmuş, assistant general manager at GFK Turkey, a market research institute. “It is followed by contributing to medical services, supporting environmental works and charity work. Preventing family violence, contributing to projects concerning female rights are also among the prior subjects,” she added.

Even though there are many global companies that have CSR works, the history is not so long, said Ernst Ligteringen, chairman of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). “There were only 26 companies that introduced the CSR concept to the world through sustainability and CSR reports 15 years ago.”

During this decade, the number of companies that prepare CSR reports climbed to 800, while last year all companies on the Global Fortune 250 list published sustainability reports, said Ligteringen. “Last year, 2,300 sustainability reports were published. That means sustainability and CSR activities tripled in three years.”

In Turkey, there are only two companies that publish CSR reports and that are registered to the GRI. Nevertheless, investments in this area are on the rise, as shown by the survey.

The public perception:

Some 72 percent of public participants of the survey think that CSR works are among the responsibilities of the business world. Only 13 percent of participants believe that business world has no duty in social responsibility. As a challenging point, 43 percent of the public follow CSR activities. The CSR works of companies are sufficient, according to19 percent. Some 31 percent of interviewees emphasize that the companies should increase their CSR works and “widen their horizon.”

The perception of 19 percent of the public is that companies “do not care about the country's problems,” and that “their sole concern is their own interest.”

Some 24 percent of the public thinks that education should be taken as priority, while 18 percent believes that companies should invest in medical sector as CSR activities. Environment is among the most important issues for CSR activities, according to 12 percent of the public.

16 Mar 2008

BT launches RingCentral for small businesses

BT launches RingCentral for small businesses

BT has launched a new virtual phone system in the hope of levelling the playing field for smaller businesses managing their communications.

BT RingCentral is aimed at creating a "more professional image to customers and partners", according to the telecoms giant, as it enables small businesses to manage their landlines, mobiles and fax communications using a web-based tool.

The new system, which costs from £15 a month (excluding VAT), includes advanced call management and PBX features, voicemail and internet fax capabilities, but doesn't include the requirement and expense of buying and managing associated hardware in-house.

A professionally-recorded welcome message, in-queue hold music and the ability to answer, make and screen calls online using a desktop call controller are included in the package, as is a non-geographic 0800 free phone or 0844 Contactcall number that can be quickly and easily configured for multiple extensions with voicemail, automatic call screening and forwarding. Furthermore, users benefit from a click-to-call button for email and website usage, sales lead call logs, fax capabilities and message alerts.

"The telephone is still an essential business tool, but when combined with an online virtual phone system like BT RingCentral, it becomes even more powerful for small businesses," said Bill Murphy, managing director of BT Business. "It allows them to present a more professional image by giving them the tools that have traditionally only been open to big business and also gives them more control of how they communicate, with customers, colleagues and partners

World Roaming Champions

World Roaming Champions

The Russian Vimpelcom Company has become the world leader both by the number of roaming partners and by the number of roaming countries, analysts at J'son & Partners believe. Megafon is also in the top-10 by the number of roaming countries. The largest world operators are not among the leaders because of their strategy to focus on the most popular roaming directions and conclude only one-two agreements in one country.

The Vimpelcom Company (Beeline trademark) is acknowledged by J’son & Partners analysts the leader in international roaming. The indices of the companies operating in GSM and UMTS (3G) were counted when making up the rating. The survey reads that when preparing the report Vimpelcom had 487 roaming partners in 202 countries. The Turkish operator Turkcell (479 agreements) and Canadian Rogers Wireless (457 agreements) are in the top-three. The forth is the Ukrainian operator Astelit with 455 partners.

By the number of countries covered by roaming, Vimpelcom is followed by the Chilean operator Telefonica Movil de Chile, Turkcell and the French Orange with 199 countries each. Astelit is the fifth with 198 countries. Megafon has also entered the top-10 with 197 countries. The total number of officially recognized states exceeds 220.

Vimpelcom specifies that currently they are cooperating with 497 partners in 205 countries. ‘We have been actively developing the given business line recently, concluding agreements with various operators all over the world to enable our subscribers to stay in touch in any part of the world’, - says Yekaterina Osadchaya, Vimpelcom’s press secretary.

Sergey Savin, J’son & Partners’s leading analyst, points out that currently about 15% of the operator’s revenue comes from roaming.

Top-10 operators by the number of roaming partners




Number of Partners






Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.




Rogers Wireless Inc




Astelit LLC




TIM Italia Mobile




Telefonica Movil de Chile




Telsim [Vodafone]




Telefonica Moviles Espana S.A.




Telefonica Moviles S.A.




Telefonica Moviles Panama, S.A.



Source: J’son & Partners

According to J’son & Partners’s specialists, under conditions of market saturation large communications companies operating within one country offer their existing and possible subscribers with a standard package of tariffs and services. So dominating the services provided in one of the parameters is positively affecting such an important factor as loyalty and helps attract new subscribers.

Top-10 by the number of roaming countries




Number of countries






Telefonica Movil de Chile




Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.




Orange France




Astelit LLC












AT&T Mobility




O2 (UK) Limited

Great Britain



TIM Italia Mobile



Source: J’son & Partners

While reading the survey, some specialists were surprised that small operator entered the top-10. ‘The question is how the Chilean Telefonica entered the top-10 and the Spanish Telefonica did not’, - one of CNews’s correspondents is puzzled. Mr. Savin relates the absence of leading world operators in the following way: ‘Large communications operators prefer cooperating with one-two companies when concluding roaming agreements, while in terms of geography the most popular directions are of priority. For some mobile operators providing their customers with vaster possibilities is part of marketing policy’. ‘It is important that for largest world operators roaming efficiency is determined not by the total number of partner operators but by the revenue from roaming directions’, - MTS concludes.

MTS, which is the largest operator in CIS by its subscriber base, reports that currently agreements with 490 communications companies in 202 countries have been concluded. If the survey was held at present, then the company would enter the top-10. ‘In 2008 MTS intends to expand its roaming coverage and provide its subscribers with largely convenient and comfortable roaming conditions’, - the operator’s press service reports.