28 Şub 2008

Turkcell 2 bin kişi alacak

Turkcell 2 bin kişi alacak

Turkcell'in CEO'su Süreyya Ciliv, Turkcell'in yatırımlara devam edeceğini ve yeni istihdam yaratacağını söyledi.

Turkcell'in 2007 yıl sonu sonuçları, düzenlenen basın toplantısıyla açıklandı. Toplantıda konuşan Ciliv, Turkcell'in 2007 yılında da büyümesinin sürdürdüğünü, şirketin net gelirinin önceki yıla göre yüzde 22 oranında artarak 8 milyar 187 milyon YTL'ye ulaştığını, net dönem karının ise yüzde 38'lik artışla 1 milyar 270 milyon YTL'den 1 milyar 759 milyon YTL'ye çıktığını bildirdi.

Turkcell'in, geçen yıl Türkiye'de 3,6 milyon abone aldığını ifade eden Ciliv, 35,4 milyona ulaşan abonesiyle Avrupa'daki ilk üç operatörden biri olduğunu, bu yıl da ilk üçe gireceklerine inandıklarını söyledi. Ciliv, abone sayılarını yurt dışı iştiraklerinde de artırdıklarını bildirdi.


Turkcell'in büyüme stratejisine de değinen Ciliv, yeni iş modelleri, yeni bölgeler ve yeni teknolojilerle büyümek istediklerini ifade etti. Süreyya Ciliv, “Gözümüzü teknolojide batıya çevirdik” dedi. Turkcell'in Turkiye'ye yatırım yapmaya devam edeceğinin de altını çizen Ciliv, “Yatırımızı bu yıl ikiye katlayacağız. Bu yıl 800 milyon dolar yatırım yapacağız. İstihdamımızı yüzde 20 oranında artırarak 2 bin yeni çalışanla 12 bin kişiye ulaşacağız. Gençlere yatırıma önem veriyoruz” dedi.

Gazetecilerin sorularını da yanıtlayan Ciliv, cep telefonu üzerinden internet hizmetinin fiyatına ilişkin bir soru üzerine, fiyatlardan kendisinin de rahatsız olduğunu, cep telefondan internete bağlanma ücretlerinin daha düşük olması gerektiğine inandığını söyledi. Ciliv, “Hızla o yöne yöneleceğiz. HSPA'da alınan verim 14 megabit seviyesinde. Bu yüzden daha az yatırım yapıp 70 misli verim almak da mümkün. Bu yüzden fiyatları ciddi olarak indirip paket fiyatlara geçmemiz lazım” şeklinde konuştu.

Turkcell'in iletişim teknolojileri konusunda dünyanın en iyilerinden olduğunu ifade eden Ciliv, “Ben sadece Türkiye'de değil birçok büyük firmada çalıştım. Turkcell çalışanlarına ve iş ortaklarına çok güveniyorum. Dünyanın her yerine gidebiliriz. Oradaki operasyonlarını alırsak onları geliştirebileceğimize inanıyorum. Türk mühendislerine yüzde 100 güveniyorum. Burada bazı insanlar Turkcell'i küçük görüyorlar. Bu çok yanlış. Turkcell'in içinde çalışanlar, kendi konusunda dünyanın uzmanları” diye konuştu.


Süreyya Ciliv, 3G ihalesine ilişkin bir soruyu da şöyle cevaplandırdı:

“Türkiye çok dinamik bir ülke. Türk iş adamlarının global dünyada rekabet etmesi önemli. Hayatımızın çok önemli parçası iletişim. Bu konuda ileriye bakarak iyimserim. Gerçekten kablosuz iletişimde data hızı son bir yılda bile bir patlama gösterdi. Bu patlamayı eminim ki Türkiye hükümeti de, Telekomünikasyon Kurumu da, diğer operatörler de görüyorlar. Türkiye bence hızlı bir şekilde yeni teknolojilere adaptasyona geçecek. Geçmişte bazı sıkıntılar oldu, ileriye bakıp doğru bilgileri paylaşmamız gerekiyor. 2008 yılında ihalenin olacağını tahmin ediyorum.”

Turkcell'in numara taşınabilirliği sürecini 1 dakika bile geciktirmediğinin de altını çizen Ciliv, 3G ihalesinin şartnamesinin son maddesinin “ihaleyi kazananların numaralandırma ve numara taşınabilirliği konularında kurum düzenlemelerine uyacağı” yönünde olduğunu söyledi. Ciliv, “Biz bu ihaleye katılarak ve kazanarak kurumun bütün düzenlemelerine uyacağımızı belirttik. Biz bunu imzalamaya hazırdık, bir de üstüne büyük bir rakamla.. O yüzden yanlış bir algılama var. Rakiplerimiz sanki 'Turkcell numara taşınabilirliğini engelliyor' diye bir imaj yaratmak isteyebilir. 3G ihalesinin kabul etmekle numara taşınabilirliğini o tarihte kabul etmiş durumdaydık” diye konuştu.


Turkcell'in kendi uzmanlığı ve tecrübeleri konusunda çok iddialı olduğunu ifade eden Ciliv, başka ülkelerde yatırımlar konusundaki bir soru üzerine, şunları kaydetti:

“Bu yüzden dünyanın gelişmiş ülkeleri de dahil en iyi pazarlara gitsek, bir şey alsak bence en iyi şekilde idare edebiliriz. O yüzden o pazarlardan çekinmiyoruz. Hangilerinde en hızlı büyüme potansiyeli var ona bakıyoruz. İyi iş alanları arıyoruz. Doğu Avrupa'da da bazı ülkeleri değerlendiriyoruz. Değişik ülkeleri de değerlendiriyoruz.

Suriye ile ilgileniyoruz, oradaki görüşmeler devam ediyor. Mart ayı içinde sonuçlanacağını tahmin ediyorum. Turkcell daha hazırlıklı gittiği için daha başarılı olacağımıza inanıyorum. İşi baştan kaybetmemek önemli. Doğru fiyattan almak çok önemli. Oradaki disiplinimizi kaybetmeyeceğiz. Doğu Avrupa gibi kendimize daha yakın olan ülkelerdeki fırsatları daha ciddiye alıyoruz ve odaklanıyoruz. İlgilendiğimiz, takip ettiğimiz şirketler var ama bunları söylemek için henüz erken.”

Turkcell Reports Results for the Year End 2007

Turkcell Reports Results for the Year End 2007

Turkcell , the leading provider of mobile communications services in Turkey, today announced results for the fourth quarter and the year ended December 31, 2007. All financial results in this press release are unaudited, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and expressed in US$.

Please note that all financial data is consolidated and comprises Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., (the "Company", or "Turkcell") and its subsidiaries and its associates (together referred to as the "Group"). All non-financial data is unconsolidated and comprises Turkcell only. The terms "we", "us", and "our" in this press release refer only to the Company, except in discussions of financial data, where such terms refer to the Group, and where context otherwise requires.

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. Reports Results for the Full Year 2007 Highlights of the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2007 Full Year

- Revenue increased by 35% to US$6.3 billion (US$4.7 billion) due to higher usage and subscriber growth combined with the positive contribution of consolidated subsidiaries

- EBITDA* increased by 44% on an annual basis to US$2.6 billion (US$1.8 billion) and recorded EBITDA margin of 42%

- Recorded net income of US$1.4 billion (US$0.9 billion) with a growth rate of 54% on an annual basis

- Turkcell's subscriber base grew by 11% on an annual basis to 35.4 million (31.8 million) as of December 31, 2007

- Average revenue per user ("ARPU") grew by 18% on an annual basis to US$14.3 (US$12.1)

- Blended minutes of usage per subscriber ("MoU") grew by 9% to 76.3 minutes (70.3 minutes)

- Turkcell's Ukrainian subsidiary, Astelit's revenues increased by 191% to US$256 million (US$88 million)

- Board of Directors of Turkcell recommended to distribute TRY648.7 million (equivalent to US$546.0 million as of February 27, 2008) as cash dividends

Fourth Quarter - Revenue increased by 50% to US$1.8 billion (US$1.2 billion)

- EBITDA* increased by 60% compared to the fourth quarter of last year to US$745.4million (US$465.2 million) and recorded EBITDA margin of 41%

- Recorded net income of US$403.2 million (US$289.6 million) with a growth rate of 39% compared to the fourth quarter of last year

- Average revenue per user ("ARPU") grew by 31% compared to the fourth quarter of last year to US$15.5 (US$11.8)

- Astelit recorded positive EBITDA* for the second consecutive quarter since it started its operations

*EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See pages 14 for the reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash from operating activities.

- In this press release, a year on year comparison of our key indicators is provided and figures in parentheses following the operational and financial results for the fourth quarter 2007 refer to the same item in the fourth quarter of 2006 and figures in parentheses following the operational and financial results for the year end 2007 refer to the same item in the year end of 2006. For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at and for the year ended December 31, 2007 which can be accessed via our web site in the investor relations section (http://www.turkcell.com.tr/).

Comments from the CEO, Sureyya Ciliv

"We are pleased about our performance and record results in year 2007. In a challenging year of intense competition, we recorded strong growth in all aspects of our business. Our focus on delivering the best value and user experience for our customers, our strong brand and our technology leadership have set us apart.

Our 2007 revenues grew by 35% to record $6.3 billion, EBITDA increased by 44%. In Turkey oursubscriber base reached 35.4 million, one of the largest in any country in Europe. In our Ukraine operations our revenues grew 191% in 2007 and reported positive EBITDA for the second half. Our Fintur operations continue to grow rapidly and contribute to our bottom line. Dynamic economies of Turkey and Ukraine together with the emerging markets of Fintur operations provided the right setting.

I thank to all of our customers for choosing us. We will continue to work hard to deliver them the highest quality services and solutions. I thank to all Turkcell employees, business partners for their hard work which has created this success. I also want to express my gratitude to our shareholders for their support and confidence in Turkcell."

Overview of 2007

2007 was marked by two local elections in Turkey and uncertainty in the global financial markets. Meanwhile, Turkey remained quite resilient and consumer sentiment in the domestic market remained relatively positive. Although the inflation target set by the government for 2007 was not attained, there was no significant deterioration in demand in the market and the TRY remained strong against the US$ through the year. Since the beginning of 2008, concerns over the state of the global financial markets have increased and there has been some downward trend in consumer sentiment in Turkey.

In 2007, the Turkish GSM market continued its strong subscriber growth and the mobile line penetration rate in Turkey reached 88% as of 2007 year end. In 2008, we anticipate growth in the Turkish GSM market to continue although at a slower pace relative to 2007, and we expect the mobile line penetration rate in Turkey to reach about 100%.

In an increasingly competitive year, we successfully grew our subscriber base and drove usage that resulted with a strong top line growth. In line with our value focus, we designed our offers and campaigns to attract and retain value customers. Through these efforts we have been able to keep our churn rate below the market average, and increase average revenue per user (ARPU) on annual basis at a rate that surpasses that of our competitors. Throughout the year, our competitors' aggressive subscriber acquisition initiatives, dealer activities and campaigns to manage price perception have continued. However, during the period, we introduced a number of initiatives to strengthen customer loyalty and increase average minutes of usage per user.

We believe our continued focus on the Value Added Services area has stood in good stead compared to our competitors through the course of the year. We have launched new initiatives such as Turkcell mobile signature allowing users to execute transactions that legally require wet signature and "turkcell-im benim" ("my Turkcell") which is a life sharing social network through photographs and videos.

During 2007, we invested an additional US$400 million in Turkey into our network infrastructure to enhace quality and coverage of our services. Through these continuous investments, we have been able to distinguish Turkcell from our competition and ensure that our brand name and image continue to stand well against our competitors.

Financial and Operational Review of the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2007

The following discussion focuses principally on the developments and trends in our business in the fourth quarter of 2007 and full year 2007. Selected financial information for the fourth quarter of 2006, third quarter of 2007, and full year 2006 is also included at the end of this press release.

For your convenience, selected financial information in TRY prepared in line with Capital Markets Board of Turkey's standards is also included at the end of this press release.

Macro environment Information Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007 Q4 2007 YE YE YE 2007- 2006 2007 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2007 2006 2007 YE 2006 % Chg % Chg % Chg TRY / US$ rate Closing Rate 1.4056 1.2048 1.1647 (17.1%) (3.3%) 1.4056 1.1647 (17.1%) Average Rate 1.4538 1.2932 1.1851 (18.5%) (8.4%) 1.4313 1.3031 (9.0%) INFLATION Consumer 2.8% 0.3% 4.0% - - 9.7% 8.4% - Price Index GDP Growth 5.2% 1.5% NA - - 6.1% 3.8* - * GDP growth nine months

Post-election optimism in the Turkish financial markets was interrupted by the global economic concerns in late July and early August. Change in the global risk appetite resulted in volatility in the exchange rate of the TRY against the US$ and some changes in the credit environment. However, Turkey proved resilient and consumer sentiment remained relatively positive. While GDP growth expectation of about 5% for 2007 is a healthy level, some weakening in GDP growth during the first three quarters of 2007 was observed.

At the start of 2008, the global backdrop became the main topic, while the magnitude of the current credit crunch's effect on the US economy and the global impact remained unclear resulting in further volatility in the financial markets. Generally, GDP growth rate in Turkey is expected to be relatively slower in the first half of 2008 than the second half of the year while 2008 GDP growth target set by the government is at similar levels to that of 2007.

Our results of operations and business and financial performance are affected by the macro economic environment, developments in the geopolitical environment, the competitive environment and the dynamics of consumer confidence in Turkey. Therefore, we will continue to monitor the developments in these areas closely.

Financial Review Profit & Loss Statement Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- (million US$) 2006 2007 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2007 % Chg % Chg Total revenue 1,203.3 1,722.8 1,807.6 50.2% 4.9% Direct cost of revenue (662.0) (799.9) (849.2) 28.3% 6.2% Depreciation and (164.9) (202.2) (204.2) 23.8% 1.0% amortization Administrative expenses (29.2) (56.9) (89.1) 205.1% 56.6% Selling and marketing (211.8) (296.9) (328.0) 54.9% 10.5% expenses EBITDA 465.2 771.5 745.4 60.2% (3.4%) EBITDA Margin 39% 45% 41% 2 p.p. (4 p.p.) Net finance income / 21.0 (147.2) (10.8) (151.4%) (92.7%) (expense) Finance expense (42.0) (230.7) (105.7) 151.7% (54.2%) Finance income 63.0 83.5 94.9 50.6% 13.7% Share of profit of 16.3 17.2 21.5 31.9% 25.0% equity accounted investees Income tax expense (52.0) (50.2) (125.2) 140.8% 149.4% Net income 289.6 401.2 403.2 39.2% 0.5% Profit & Loss Statement YE YE YE 2007- (million US$) 2006 2007 YE 2006 % Chg Total revenue 4,700.3 6,328.6 34.6% Direct cost of revenue (2,627.9) (3,103.4) 18.1% Depreciation and (730.0) (793.0) 8.6% amortization Administrative expenses (154.9) (252.8) 63.2% Selling and marketing (827.5) (1,138.2) 37.5% expenses EBITDA 1,820.0 2,627.1 44.3% EBITDA Margin 39% 42% 3 p.p. Net finance income / 76.0 (242.7) (419.3%) (expense) Finance expense (108.0) (551.1) 410.3% Finance income 184.0 308.4 67.6% Share of profit of 78.6 64.9 (17.4%) equity accounted investees Income tax expense (413.2) (322.4) (22.0%) Net income 875.5 1,350.2 54.2%

Revenue: In the fourth quarter of 2007, our consolidated revenue grew by 50.2% to US$1,807.6 million compared to the same period of last year. This was mainly due to subscriber growth, continuing emphasis on segmented loyalty programs, appreciation of the TRY against US$, one time positive impact of the reversal of Avea invoices amounting to US$46 million combined with upward price adjustments of 12.7% on an annual basis as well as the positive impact of our consolidated subsidiaries.

In 2007, our revenues increased by 34.6% to US$6,328.6 million due to higher usage, subscriber growth, appreciation of the TRY against the US$, combined with the upward price adjustments of 12.7% on an annual basis and the positive impact of our consolidated subsidiaries.

Eliminating the effect of appreciation of the TRY against the US$, our revenues increased by 22% in TRY in 2007.

Direct cost of revenue: Direct cost of revenue, including depreciation and amortization, increased in nominal terms by 28.3% to US$849.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 compared to the corresponding period last year whereas the proportion of direct cost of revenue to total revenue decreased to 47.0% from 55.0%. This improvement of 8 percentage points was mainly attributable to the lower depreciation and amortization expenses (2%), lower treasury share expenses (3%) - of which 1.5% is related to one off treasury share impact on sales discounts in 2006, lower interconnection costs (0.5%) and lower non-revenue based operational expenses (1%) such as network maintenance, radio and transmission costs as a percentage of revenue.

For 2007, direct cost of revenue including depreciation and amortization increased in nominal terms by 18.1% to US$3,103.4 million whereas the proportion of direct cost of revenue to total revenue decreased from 55.9% to 49.0% compared to 2006. This improvement of 7 percentage points was mainly due to the lower depreciation and amortization expenses (3%), lower treasury share payments (2.5%) - of which 0.7% is related to one off treasury share impact on sales discounts in 2006, lower interconnection costs (1%) and lower non-revenue based operational expenses (0.4%) as a percentage of revenue.

Interconnection costs increased in the fourth quarter of 2007 by 39% to US$115.2 million compared to the same period in 2006 and also increased in 2007 on annual basis by 20% to US$405.9 million. The interconnection costs as a percentage of revenue improved slightly by 1 percentage points.

Turkcell incurred US$529.8 million of other operational expenses in the fourth quarter of 2007, which mainly composed of treasury share expenses, radio costs, transmission costs, wages and salaries, and handset costs offered as part of our loyalty programs. For 2007, other expenses totaled to US$1,904.5 million.

Selling and marketing expenses: Turkcell's selling and marketing expenses increased by 54.9% to US$328.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 compared to the same period of 2006, mainly due to increased advertising costs for campaigns and offers introduced during the quarter as well as acquisition expenses and dealer activities. The share of selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of total revenue in the fourth quarter of 2007 remained almost flat at 18.1%.

For 2007, selling and marketing expenses increased in nominal terms by 37.5% reaching US$1,138.2 million mainly due to increased advertising and acquisition expenses as well as retention related campaign costs in an active competitive environment. The appreciation of the TRY against the US$ also contributed to the increase in expenses during the year. In 2007, the share of selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of total revenue was 18.0%.

Total selling expenses in selling and marketing expenses increased by 71.5% to US$131.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 compared to the same period of 2006 mostly due to an increase in subscriber acquisitions and increased dealer and distributor activities. For 2007, selling expenses in selling and marketing expenses were US$501.6 million.

Administrative expenses: During the fourth quarter of 2007, administrative expenses increased by 205.1% to US$89.1 million compared to the same period of 2006 due to the reversal of a fee which was paid to BNP for the Irancell project in the fourth quarter of 2006 and one time increase in bonuses paid to employees. Consequently, the proportion of administrative expenses to revenue increased to 4.9% in the last quarter of 2007.

For 2007, administrative expenses increased by 63.2% to US$252.8 million and the share of administrative expenses to revenues increased to 4% in 2007.

Share of profit of equity accounted investees: In the fourth quarter of 2007, equity in net income of unconsolidated investees that consisted of the net income/(expense) impact of Fintur and A-Tel increased to US$21.5 million compared to US$16.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2006.

For 2007, our equity in net income of unconsolidated investees that consisted of the net income/(expense) impact of Fintur and A-Tel decreased to US$64.9 million compared to US$78.6 million in 2006 mainly due to the accounting impact of A-tel, as described below.

Our 50% owned subsidiary A-Tel, impacted two items in our financial statements. A-Tel's revenue that is generated from Turkcell is netted from the selling and marketing expenses in our consolidated financial statements. The difference between the total net impact of A-Tel and the amount netted from selling and marketing expenses is recorded in the share of profit of equity accounted investees line of our financial statements.

Net finance income/(expense): In the fourth quarter of 2007, we reported net financial expenses of US$10.8 million compared to financial income of US$21.0 million in the same quarter of 2006 mainly due to foreign exchange losses resulting from the appreciation of the TRY against the US$ during the fourth quarter of 2007. In the fourth quarter of 2007, as a result of increase in our cash balance, financial income increased by 50.6% to US$94.9 million compared to the same quarter in 2006. On the other hand, our financial expenses increased by 151.7% to US$105.7 million compared to the same period of 2006 mainly due the foreign exchange losses.

Foreign exchange losses can be classified into two main categories, the first being realized losses incurred on structured forward contracts that matured in the fourth quarter of 2007 amounting to US$24 million, and the second being accrued losses, mainly related to translation losses on foreign currency long position amounting to US$54 million.

For 2007, as a result of our increasing cash balance, financial income increased by 67.6% to US$308.4 million compared to last year. On the other hand, our financial expenses increased to US$551.1 million that mainly composed of foreign exchange losses of US$460.8 million resulting from the appreciation of the TRY against the US$ during 2007.

Overall, our net financial expense was US$242.7 million in 2007.

Income tax expense: The total taxation charge in the fourth quarter of 2007 increased to US$125.2 million from US$52.0 million in the same period of 2006. The total taxation charge for 2007 decreased to US$322.4 million from US$413.2 million in 2006. This change was due to the reduction in the corporate tax rate from 30% to 20% during June 2006 which was effective from January 1, 2006 resulting in an increase in the taxation expenses during the second quarter of 2006 stemming from the reversal of deferred tax benefit from investment incentive certificates and temporary differences between IFRS and statutory financial statements.

Out of the total tax charge during the fourth quarter of 2007, US$114.7 million was related to current tax charges and a deferred tax income of US$10.5 million. The increase in the deferred tax expense was mainly due to the differences between our Turkish statutory financial statements and our financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.

In 2008, Turkcell will be liable to pay 20% corporate tax and the payments will be made on a quarterly basis.

Income tax expense Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- (million US$) 2006 2007 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2007 % Chg % Chg Current Tax (64.2) (104.2) (114.7) 78.7% 10.1% expense Deferred Tax 12.2 54.0 (10.5) (186.1%) (119.4%) income /(expense) Income Tax expense (52.0) (50.2) (125.2) 140.8% 149.4% Income tax expense YE YE YE 2007- (million US$) 2006 2007 YE 2006 % Chg Current Tax expense (310.7) (412.5) 32.8% Deferred Tax income (102.5) 90.1 187.9% /(expense) Income Tax expense (413.2) (322.4) (22.0%)

EBITDA: In the fourth quarter of 2007, EBITDA increased by 60.2% to US$745.4 million compared to the same quarter of last year mainly due to growth in revenues combined with lower operational expenses. Accordingly, EBITDA margin during the same period increased to 41% from 39%.

In 2007, EBITDA increased by 44.3% to US$2,627.1 million due to strong revenue growth coupled with a decrease in direct cost of revenues as a percentage of revenue despite higher sales and marketing and administrative expenses. Accordingly the EBITDA margin increased from 39% to 42% in 2007.

In 2008, we expect the EBITDA margin to be a few points lower than 2007.

Net income: Net income of US$403.2 million was recorded in the fourth quarter of 2007. The increase of 39.2% was mainly due to growth in revenues together with lower operational expenses.

For 2007, net income increased by 54.2% to US$1,350.2 million due to strong operational performance and a decrease in taxation charges.

Total Debt: The consolidated debt amounted to US$760.0 million as of December 31, 2007. US$530.5 million of this was related to Turkcell's Ukrainian operations.

Q4 Q3 Q4 YE YE Cash Flow 2006 2007 2007 2006 2007 (million US$) EBITDA 465.2 771.5 745.4 1,820.0 2,627.1 LESS: Capex and License (210.7) (188.1) (274.3) (604.8) (783.1) Turkcell (116.6) (130.3) (144.2) (375.5) (444.3) Ukraine (83.6) (26.1) (76.8) (200.2) (206.0) Investment & Marketable (2.0) 10.4 - (196.8) 27.1 Securities Net Interest Income 49.5 57.9 67.2 117.3 218.0 Other 329.5 151.9 31.9 26.9 (244.7) Net Change in Debt (18.0) 38.4 10.6 (30.0) 64.2 Turkcell (25.0) - - (105.2) (57.7) Ukraine - 21.3* - 75.5 21.3* Other 7.0 17.1 10.6 (0.3) 100.6 Dividend paid by Turkcell - - - (342.2) (411.9) Cash Generated 613.5 842.0 580.8 790.4 1,496.7 Cash Balance 1,598.6 2,514.5 3,095.3 1,598.6 3,095.3

(*)This financing has been drawn down by Financell B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Turkcell, in July and has been provided to Astelit.

Cash Flow Analysis: Capital expenditures in the fourth quarter of 2007 amounted to US$274.3 million of which US$76.8 million was related to our Ukrainian operations.

For 2007, capital expenditures totalled US$783.1 million of which US$206.0 million was related to the Ukrainian operations.

Turkcell generated free cash flow (cash flow from operating activities minus capital expenditure) of US$1,373.1 million in 2007, with an increase of 10% compared to US$1,250.1 million in 2006.

In 2008, we expect to spend approximately US$800 million in operational capital expenditures in Turkey, which includes 3G and broadband capital expenditures but excludes any potential 3G license fee. In addition, our consolidated subsidiary Astelit expects to spend approximately US$250 million in capital expenditures in Ukraine.

Operational Review Summary of Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- Operational Data 2006 2007 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2007 % Chg % Chg Number of total 31.8 34.8 35.4 11.3% 1.7% subscribers (million) Number of postpaid 5.8 6.3 6.4 10.3% 1.6% subscribers (million) Number of prepaid 26.0 28.5 29.0 11.5% 1.8% subscribers (million) ARPU (Average 11.8 15.3 15.5 31.4% 1.3% Monthly Revenue per User), blended (US$) ARPU, postpaid 31.1 39.5 40.3 29.6% 2.0% (US$) ARPU, prepaid 7.5 10.0 10.0 33.3% 0% (US$) ARPU, blended 17.2 19.8 18.3 6.4% (7.6%) (TRY) ARPU, postpaid 45.2 51.1 47.7 5.5% (6.7%) (TRY) ARPU, prepaid 10.9 13.0 11.9 9.2% (8.5%) (TRY) Churn (%) 4.4 5.7 5.9 1.5 p.p. 0.2 p.p. MOU (Average 74.1 83.0 69.9 (5.7%) (15.8%) Monthly Minutes of usage per subscriber), blended Summary of YE YE YE 2007- Operational Data 2006 2007 YE 2006 % Chg Number of total 31.8 35.4 11.3% subscribers (million) Number of postpaid 5.8 6.4 10.3% subscribers (million) Number of prepaid 26.0 29.0 11.5% subscribers (million) ARPU (Average Monthly 12.1 14.3 18.2% Revenue per User), blended (US$) ARPU, postpaid (US$) 31.0 37.6 21.3% ARPU, prepaid (US$) 7.8 9.2 17.9% ARPU, blended (TRY) 17.4 18.5 6.3% ARPU, postpaid (TRY) 44.3 48.7 9.9% ARPU, prepaid (TRY) 11.2 11.8 5.4% Churn (%) 14.7 19.9 5.2 p.p. MOU (Average Monthly 70.3 76.3 8.5% Minutes of usage per subscriber), blended

Subscribers: We added approximately 593 thousand net new subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2007 and our total number of subscribers reached approximately 35.4 million as of December 31, 2007. This corresponds to an increase of 1.7% compared to the previous quarter with an annual growth of 11.3%. Of the new gross subscribers in the quarter, 88% were prepaid and 12% were postpaid. Approximately 3.6 million net new subscribers were added in 2007. The growth was mainly driven by our focus on the sales channel network and our offers and campaigns well perceived. Our value focus continued and we recorded a favorable growth in the subscriber base supported by our corporate and postpaid customer focus.

Churn Rate: Churn refers to voluntarily and involuntarily disconnected subscribers. In the fourth quarter of 2007, we recorded a churn rate of 5.9%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points compared to the same period in 2006. The increase was mainly due to prepaid involuntary churn triggered by high subscriber acquisitions in previous quarters with the churners being mainly low ARPU generating prepaid subscribers.

The annual churn rate as of December 31, 2007 increased to 19.9% from 14.7% as of December 31, 2006 in line with our expectations due to our large subscriber base as well as intensified competition in the Turkish market throughout the year. While our on going emphasis on retention remains a high priority in 2008, we expect churn rate to be higher than 2007.

MoU: In the fourth quarter of 2007, our blended minutes of usage per subscriber ("MoU") decreased by 5.7% to 69.9 minutes compared to the same period in 2006 mainly due to a decrease in the incentives utilized during the fourth quarter of 2007 compared to the same period in 2006.

Usage, in the fourth quarter of 2007, was also lower than in the third quarter of 2007 due to seasonality and lower usage during the Ramadan period, as well as comparably lower incentive utilization during the launch of the new tariff scheme.

In 2007, on an annual basis, usage increased by 8.5% to 76.3 minutes, which was in line with our expectations as a result of our initiatives that were aimed at creating a win-win situation by incentivising usage through bundled free minute offers while maintaining a value generation focus.

ARPU: Our blended average revenue per user ("ARPU") in the fourth quarter of 2007 grew by 31.4% to US$15.5 compared to the same period in 2006. This change was mainly due to a decrease in incentives utilized during the fourth quarter of 2007 as compared to the same period in 2006, combined with the 18.5% appreciation of the TRY against the US$ and the average price increase of 12.7% on an annual basis despite the dilutive impact of growing prepaid subscriber base during this period.

Our ARPU in TRY terms grew by 6.4% to TRY18.3 in the fourth quarter of 2007 from TRY17.2 compared to the same period in 2006.

Despite the dilutive impact of a growing prepaid subscriber base, in 2007 our blended ARPU grew by 18.2% to US$14.3 compared to US$12.1 in 2006 as a result of our actions incentivizing usage along with a 9% appreciation of the TRY against the US$ and the average price increase of 12.7% on an annual basis during this year.

Regulatory Environment

The Telecommunications Authority ("TA") conducted a tender process for the grant of the 3G license on September 7, 2007. Turkcell was the sole bidder and consequently won and was awarded a 3G license. However this tender was later cancelled by TA. Although, we believe the 3G tender process will be reinitiated in 2008, no announcement has been made by TA with regards to the new tender date.

In February 2007, TA issued regulations on Mobile Number Portability (MNP), which is expected to become operational in the fourth quarter of 2008, based on public statements by TA.

Between October 2007 and February 2008, TA made announcements about its decision to control retail pricing for mobile operators - setting a lower ceiling for off-net calling prices for all operators and asking Turkcell to set its on-net prices to be not lower than its lowest interconnect rate.

Due to the high-level of complexity involved, we have been and are continuing to remain in discussions with TA seeking clarification of its decisions and we have taken actions to revise some of our tariffs and campaigns to comply with TA's new policy to the extent practical and to our best understanding.

TA's new decision negatively affects our ability to design and launch new campaigns, offers and consequently has a negative impact on our business and had a negative impact in our fourth quarter 2007 results. If this issue is not resolved fairly and in compliance with laws, we may not be able to fully implement our pricing strategy and our competitive position and financial results may be adversely affected.

We have filed a lawsuit with the Highest Administrative Court in Turkey requesting the suspension and annulment of the aforementioned decision on the ground that said decision is violating Telecommunications Law , Competition Law and Concession (Licensing) Agreement between our Company and TA.

Dividend Distribution

Turkcell's general dividend policy is to pay dividends to shareholders in line with the company's financial conditions. On February 27, 2008, the Turkcell Board of Directors decided to recommend distribution of cash dividends in an amount of approximately TRY648.7 million (approximately US$546.0 million as of February 27, 2008) representing a 14% increase compared to approximately TRY567.0 million (approximately US$411.9 million) a year ago. This corresponding to 50% of Turkcell's distributable income of the current year, based on the financial statements prepared in accordance with the accounting principles accepted by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey. This dividend proposal is to be evaluated and decided upon at the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders to be held on April 25, 2008.

This represents a net and gross cash dividend of TRY0.2948699 (approximately US$0.248165 as of February 27, 2008) per ordinary share with a nominal value of TRY1 and approximately TRY0.737174 (approximately US$0.620412 as of February 27, 2008) per ADR.

International and Domestic Operations Fintur

Turkcell hold a 41.45% stake in Fintur and through Fintur have interests in GSM operations in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, and Georgia.

FINTUR YE 2006 YE 2007 YE 2007- YE 2006 YE 2007 YE 2007- as of December Subscriber Subscriber YE 2006 Revenue Revenue YE 2006 31, 2007 (million) (million) %Chg (US$ (US$ %Chg million) million) Kazakhstan 3.5 6.0 71.4% 651.1 825.4 26.8% Azerbaijan 2.3 3.0 30.4% 342.8 439.8 28.3% Moldova 0.5 0.5 0% 43.0 53.9 25.3% Georgia 1.0 1.3 30.0% 130.6 165.1 26.4% TOTAL 7.3 10.8 47.9% 1,167.5 1,484.2 27.1% (*) Combined revenue

Strong revenue growth in Fintur's operations continued and Fintur's consolidated revenue reached US$422.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2007, recording 30.5% growth on an annual basis. Fintur added approximately 0.9 million net new subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2007 and its total subscriber base grew to 10.8 million.

We account for our investment in Fintur using the equity method. Fintur's contribution to income was US$32.9 million (US$18.3 million) in the fourth of 2007.

In 2007, Fintur's consolidated revenue increased by 28% to US$1,486.4 million along with strong subscriber growth. Fintur's total subscriber base increased by 47.9% with a net add of 3.5 million in 2007 where as Fintur's contribution to net income for the year was US$109.0 million (US$81.3 million).


Astelit, a 55% owned subsidiary in Ukraine, recorded promisingly positive results in 2007.

- Astelit grew its revenue by 170% on annual basis in the fourth quarter of 2007 and 191% in 2007.

- Astelit recorded positive EBITDA of US$2.7 million during the fourth quarter of 2007 and recorded negative EBITDA of US$20.5 million for the full year.

- Astelit's operational indicators have remained very strong with subscribers reaching 8.8 million by growing 57.1% on an annual basis. In 2007;

- 3 month active subscriber base grew 74.2% on an annual basis. - 3 month active ARPU increased by 53% on an annual basis.

The encouraging trends in Astelit's financial and operational performance continued in the fourth quarter of 2007 with Astelit recorded positive EBITDA for the second quarter in a row in the fourth quarter of 2007. This positive trend is expected to continue in the coming quarters.

Summary Data Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- YE YE YE 2007- for Astelit Q4 2006 Q3 2007 2006 2007 YE 2006 2006 2007 2007 % Chg % Chg % Chg Number of subscribers (million) Total 5.6 7.6 8.8 57.1% 15.8% 5.6 8.8 57.1% Active (3 3.1 4.7 5.4 74.2% 14.9% 3.1 5.4 74.2% months)[1] Average Revenue per User (ARPU) in US$ Total 2.0 3.6 3.3 65.0% (8.3%) 1.9 3.2 68.4% Active (3 4.1 5.8 5.4 31.7% (6.9%) 3.4 5.2 52.9% months) Revenue 30.5 76.0 82.3 169.8% 8.3% 87.92 55.9 191.1% EBITDA[2] (26.5) 2.9 2.7 110.2% (6.9%) (83.8) (20.5) 75.5% Net Loss (29.9) (42.0)(34.8) 16.4% 17.1% (198.0) (167.7) 15.3% Capex 83.6 26.1 76.8 (8.1%) 194.3% 200.2 206.0 2.9%

In the context of the financing of Astelit's operations, in line with previously indicated plans and depending on the market conditions and its financial performance, Astelit aims to arrange a loan through a new financing package in 2008. In addition, in 2008 Turkcell intends to make a capital contribution to Astelit in an amount of US$110 million, which is in proportion to our stake in Astelit.


Inteltek is our 55% owned subsidiary that operates in sports betting business. The Central Betting System Contract is scheduled to expire on March 1, 2008. A draft law that enables Spor Toto ("Contractor") to hold a new tender in 2008 has been prepared, and approved by the Council of Ministers. This draft law was sent to the parliamentary law committee on January 9, 2008. On February 21, 2008, the law is accepted in the Turkish Parliament and has been sent to the President of Turkish Republic for approval. On February 26, 2008, President of Turkish Republic approved the law. According to this new law, the Contractor is obliged to hold a new tender in no longer than one year and during this time, until the new tender is held, the Contractor is obliged to sign a new agreement with Inteltek at similar terms of the existing agreement for continuation of the betting games. Accordingly, Inteltek is in the process of signing a new agreement with Spor Toto which will be effective until March 2009. Inteltek intends to participate in the new tender which will be in one year time.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

We believe that EBITDA is a measure commonly used by companies, analysts and investors in the telecommunications industry, which enhances the understanding of our cash generation ability and liquidity position and assists in the evaluation of our capacity to meet our financial obligations. We also use EBITDA as an internal measurement tool and, accordingly, we believe that the presentation of EBITDA provides useful and relevant information to analysts and investors.

Beginning from the 2006 fiscal year, we have revised the definition of EBITDA which we use and we report EBITDA using this new definition starting from the first quarter of 2006 results announcement to provide a new measure to reflect solely cash flow from operations.

The EBITDA definition used in our previous press releases and announcements had included Revenue, Direct Cost of Revenue excluding depreciation and amortization, Selling and Marketing expenses, Administrative expenses, translation gain/(loss), financial income, share of profit of equity accounted investees, gain on sale of investments, income/(loss) from related parties, minority interest and other income/(expense). Our new EBITDA definition includes Revenue, Direct Cost of Revenue excluding depreciation and amortization, Selling and Marketing expenses and Administrative expenses, but excludes translation gain/(loss), financial income, share of profit of equity accounted investees, gain on sale of investments, income/(loss) from related parties, minority interest and other income/(expense).

EBITDA is not a measure of financial performance under IFRS and should not be construed as a substitute for net earnings (loss) as a measure of performance or cash flow from operations as a measure of liquidity.

The following table provides a reconciliation of EBITDA, which is a non-GAAP financial measure, to net cash from operating activities, which we believe is the most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS.

TURKCELL Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- US$ million 2006 2007 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2007 % Chg % Chg EBITDA 465.2 771.5 745.4 60.2% (3.4%) Other operating (0.4) 2.4 (21.3) 5,225.0% (987.5%) income/(expense) Financial income 63.0 83.5 94.9 50.6% 13.7% Financial expense (42.0) (230.7) (105.7) (151.7%) 54.2% Net 197.2 316.0 (155.9) (179.1%) (149.3%) increase/(decrease) in assets and liabilities Net cash from 683.0 942.7 557.4 (18.4%) (40.9%) operating activities TURKCELL YE 2006 YE 2007 YE 2007 - US$ million YE 2006 %Chg EBITDA 1,820.0 2,627.1 44.3% Other operating 1.6 (14.7) (1,018.8%) income/(expense) Financial income 184.0 308.4 67.6% Financial expense (108.0) (551.1) 410.3% Net (42.7) (213.5) 400.0% increase/(decrease) in assets and liabilities Net cash from 1,854.9 2,156.2 16.2% operating activities EUROASIA (Astelit) Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- US$ million 2006 2007 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2007 % Chg % Chg EBITDA (26.5) 2.9 2.7 110.2% (6.9%) Other operating (0.3) 0.2 0.2 166.7% 0% income/(expense) Financial income 0.2 0.7 1.2 500.0% 71.4% Financial expense (2.8) (21.5) (15.2) 442.9% (29.3%) Net 46.9 31.8 21.1 (55.0%) (33.6%) increase/(decrease) in assets and liabilities Net cash from 17.5 14.1 10.0 (42.9%) (29.1%) operating activities EUROASIA (Astelit) YE 2006 YE 2007 YE 2007 - US$ million YE 2006 %Chg EBITDA (83.8) (20.5) 75.5% Other operating (1.8) 0.4 122.2% income/(expense) Financial income 0.9 2.7 200.0% Financial expense (40.7) (63.7) 56.5% Net 9.5 64.6 580.0% increase/(decrease) in assets and liabilities Net cash from (115.9) (16.5) 85.8% operating activities Turkcell Group Subscribers

We had approximately 47.1 million proportionate GSM subscribers as of December 31, 2007. This is calculated by taking the number of GSM subscribers in Turkcell and each of our subsidiaries and multiplying the number of unconsolidated investees by our percentage ownership interest in each subsidiary. This figure includes the proportionate rather than total number of Fintur's GSM subscribers, but includes the total number of GSM subscribers in Ukraine and in our operations in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ("Northern Cyprus") because the financial statements of our subsidiaries in Ukraine and Northern Cyprus are consolidated within our financial statements.

Turkcell Q4 Q3 Q4 Q4 2007- Q4 2007- YE YE YE 2007- Group Q4 2006 Q3 2007 2006 2007 YE 2006 Subscribers 2006 2007 2007 % Chg % Chg % Chg (million) Turkcell 31.8 34.8 35.4 11.3% 1.7% 31.8 35.4 11.3% Ukraine 5.6 7.6 8.8 57.1% 15.8% 5.6 8.8 57.1% Fintur (pro 1.8 2.3 2.6 44.4% 13.0% 1.8 2.6 44.4% rata) Northern 0.2 0.3 0.3 50.0% - 0.2 0.3 50.0% Cyprus TURKCELL 39.4 45.0 47.1 19.5% 4.7% 39.4 47.1 19.5% GROUP Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release, including, without limitation, certain statements regarding our operations, financial position and business strategy may constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as, among others, "may," "will," "expect," "intend," "plan," "estimate," "anticipate," "believe" or "continue."

Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable at this time,we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. All written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us in this release are expressly qualified in their entirety by reference to these cautionary statements.

27 Şub 2008

French Operators Authorised to Offer 3G at 900Mhz

French Operators Authorised to Offer 3G at 900Mhz

French telecoms regulator, Arcep has approved applications by Orange and SFR to offer 3G services in the 900Mhz. Third 3G license holder, Bouygues Telecom says that it will apply for an amendment to its license to reuse its 900Mhz spectrum in 2009.

ARCEP is implementing the directions it adopted on 5 July 2007 for the reuse of the 900 and 1800 MHz bands for 3G. These directions planned that 2G-3G operators wishing to do so would be allowed to reuse the 900 MHz band for 3G in 2008, and that a 3G new entrant authorised in the 2.1 GHz band would be given access to a UMTS channel in the 900 MHz band.

3G coverage is now relatively extensive in Metropolitan France: SFR reports covering over 70% of the population and Orange France should reach this degree of coverage by the end of 2008. To extend coverage even further, it is indispensable that the frequencies in the 900 MHz band, which are currently used for 2G, be reused. These frequencies have better propagation properties and penetrate better inside buildings than frequencies in the 2.1 GHz band in which 3G currently operates.

Starting in 2008, 900 MHz frequencies will be progressively reused for 3G thanks to the future availability of equipments. This switchover will have to be done transparently for GSM, which will have to continue to serve French customers and foreign visitors with the same quality of service for many years to come.

The deployment in the 900 MHz band will make it possible to extend the UMTS coverage by reusing the sites which are currently used for GSM, including sites which were deployed as part of the "white zones" programme to complete the GSM coverage of the territory.

ARCEP will closely monitor the third coverage deadline written in the mobile operators' 3G licences

Now that UMTS has picked up steam and that the possibility of reusing 900 MHz frequencies has become available, operators must respect the deployment obligations stipulated by their 3G licences. SFR and Orange France's third coverage deadline, which arrives on 21 August 2009, requires coverage of 99.3% and 98% of the population, respectively. ARCEP will closely monitor these deployment obligations.

ARCEP is also closely watching Bouygues Telecom's deployment. The third coverage deadline stipulated by Bouygues Telecom's 3G licence is in December 2010 and corresponds to 75% of the population.

The process includes the possibility of a fourth 3G operator having access to the 900 MHz band

In order to ensure that the reuse of 900 MHz frequencies for 3G does not affect future decisions concerning the fourth 3G licence, ARCEP is now adding to the operators' licence a conditional, time-limited measure describing the means of returning frequencies which would apply if a new 3G entrant were authorised.

Vodafone in talks to buy 30 pct stake in Bangladeshi operator

Vodafone in talks to buy 30 pct stake in Bangladeshi operator

Vodafone is in talks to buy a 30 pct stake in Bangladesh's second-largest mobile phone network, AKTEL, for around $300 mln, reported the Daily Telegraph.

The report said talks, which are at an early stage, underline Vodafone's determination to tap into Asia's fast-growing mobile markets to offset slowing growth in Europe.

Vodafone has been given initial reassurances from the Bangladeshi telecoms regulator it would be allowed to buy the stake from AK Khan, a privately owned textiles-to-telecoms company, said the Telegraph.

The remaining 70 pct of AKTEL is owned by Telekom Malaysia International.

Citi Vodafone One Visa Credit Card

Citi & Vodafone Introduce New Citi Vodafone One Visa Credit Card

Citi and Vodafone renew their the partnership and introduce Citi Vodafone One Visa credit card exclusively dedicated to subscribers of the Vodafone One reward program. The co-branded card is free of charge and combines the advantages offered by all Citi credit cards together with the possibility to accumulate one Vodafone One point for each 20 euros spent. Furthermore, upon activation of the card, the cardholder receives 100 points as a welcome bonus.

Citi Vodafone One Visa offers several free insurance coverages: "Theft and Loss," which protects the holder in case of fraudulent use of the card, including on-line shopping 24 hours before the complaint; "Security Purchases" covers in case of damage or theft of the goods purchased with Citi Vodafone One Visa, up to 90 days after the date of purchase or delivery.

Cardholders can also request the activation of Citi Alerting Service. With this service Citi sends the cardholder an SMS notification of all transactions, the month-end balance and a warning when the credit line limit is about to be reached. This gives the cardholder full control of the card, knowing in real-time expenses and be immediately warned in case of fraudulent use of the card.

More information on Citi Vodafone One Visa credit cards can be found at
www.citibank.it and www.vodafone.it.

SMS'lerde Türkçe Karakter GSM Standartlarına Ekleniyor

SMS’lerde Türkçe Karakter GSM Standartlarına Ekleniyor

SMS'lerde 2 kat pahalılığa yol açan Türkçe Karakter sorununa Vodafone IT (eski Oksijen) - TK uzmanlarının çalışmaları ile bir çözüm bulunduğunu aktarmıştık. İşte bu çözüm GSMA'nın Atina'da yapılan 3GPP toplantısında uygun görüldü. Şimdi sıra meksika toplantısında onaylanmasında.

Turk.internet.com : Türkçe karakterler konusunda Atina'da karar verildiğini öğrendik. Bu karar nedir?

Dr.K.Murat Ekşioğlu :
Türkçe ve İspanyolca başta olmak üzere bazı dillerde alfabenin pek çok karakterinin GSM 7 bit standart alfabesinde yer almasına rağmen az sayıdaki dile özel karakterin yer almaması, bu karakterler kullanılarak mesaj yazılması durumunda UCS-2 (unicode) alfabeye geçilmesine sebep oluyordu. Bu durumda mesaj uzunluğu 160 karakterden 70 karaktere düşüyordu. Bu konuyu bilmeyen ya da dikkat etmeyen kullanıcı beklemediği bir ücretlendirme ile karşılaşıyordu.

Çözüm için 3GPP TS 23.040 ve TS 23.038 numaralı standartlarda bir geliştirme yapıldı. Buna göre daha önce başka amaçlar için de kullanılan mesaj içi başlığa (user data header) bir ilave yapılarak dile özel karakter tablolarının kullanılabilmesi sağlandı. Geriye uyumluluk ve maksimum karakter kullanımı konuları gözönüne alınarak 2 ayrı mekanizma tanımlandı. Her iki mekanizmayı da kullanmak için gereken başlık (header) tanımı 5 karakterlik yer tutuyor ve yüzden kullanıldıklarında maksimum mesaj uzunluğu 155'e düşüyor.

Birinci mekanizma (single shift) varolan GSM 7 bit alfabesi genişleme tablosunun dile özel bir genişleme tablosuyla değiştirilmesini sağlıyor. Bu şekilde mevcut alfabede benzerleri olan karakterler bu tabloda tanımlanarak maksimum geriye uyumluluk sağlanıyor (ş ve s, ğ ve g gibi). Bu yeni mekanizmayı ve dil tablosunu bilmeyen eski telefonlar ana tablodaki harfleri gösteriyorlar (ş yerine s gibi). Bu mekanizmanın dezavantajı bu tür her karakterin kullanımının 2 karakterlik yer tutması ve bu yüzden maksimum mesaj uzunluğunun değişken olması.

İkinci mekanizma (locking shift) varolan GSM 7 bit alfabe tablosunun kendisinin dile özel bir ana tabloyla değiştirilmesini sağlıyor. Bu şekilde mevcut alfabede kullanılmayan karakterler dile özel karakterlerle değiştirilerek tüm karakterlerin aynı şekilde, tek bir karakterlik yer tutacak şekilde kullanılabilmesi sağlanıyor. Bu durumda sabit bir maksimum mesaj uzunluğu elde edilmiş oluyor (155 karakter). Bu mekanizmanın dezavantajı bu yöntemi desteklemeyen telefonlarda aslında dilde varolmayan karakterlerin gösterilecek olup mesajın zor okunur veya okunamaz duruma gelecek olması.

Standardın yeni halini destekleyecek telefonların hepsi tanımlanmış olan tüm özel dil tablolarını destekleyecek.

Atina'daki toplantıda Türkçe için hem ana tablo hem de genişleme tabloları ayrı ayrı tanımlandı. Ayrıca İspanyolca için bir genişleme tablosu tanımlandı.

turk.internet.com Toplantıya Türkiye adına kimler katıldı?

Dr.K.Murat Ekşioğlu :
Toplantıya Türkiye adına Vodafone IT (Oksijen)'den Murat Eren ve Telekomünikasyon Kurumu'ndan Arzu Cihan ve Erdoğan Olcay katıldı.

turk.internet.com : Bilgisayar konusunda yaşadığımız sıkıntı, cep telefonu tarafında aşılmış oluyor. Bu olay nasıl başladı? Vodafone IT'nin bu konudaki katkısı nedir? Gelişmeler nasıl oldu?

Dr.K.Murat Ekşioğlu :
Kullanıcıların SMS'te fazla ücretlendirme şikayetleri sonucunda TK tarafından 2007 yazında Türkçe karakter içeren mesajların operatör tarafında 160 karaktere kadar tek mesaj olarak ücretlendirilmesi ve üreticiler tarafında da Türkçe'ye özel, mevcut ana alfabede yer almayan 7 karakterin (ş,Ş,ğ,Ğ,ç,ı,İ) 7 bit ile kodlanabilmesi konusunda bir karar alındı. Operatörlere 2007 sonuna kadar (sonradan 31 Mart 2008'e uzatıldı), üreticilere 1 Temmuz 2008'e kadar süre tanındı.

Dilimize özel karakterlerin 7 bit ile kodlanabilmesinin nasıl yapılacağı belirsizdi. Vodafone IT (Oksijen)'den uzmanimiz Murat Eren'in bu konuda bir önerisi oldu. Önerimiz mevcut genişleme tablosuna dilimize özel 7 karakterin eklenmesi şeklindeydi. Önerimiz geriye uyumluluk ve uygulama kolaylığı açısından en iyi yöntem olarak seçildi. 24 Ocak'ta hem üretici hem de operatör temsilcilerinin bulunduğu, ayrıca 3GPP'den de uzmanların katıldığı bir toplantı yapıldı. GSMA'den Dan Warren'ın çözüm önerisi de bizim önerimizle birebir aynı olunca 28-31 Ocak 2008'te Meksika'da yapılacak toplantıda önerilmesine karar verildi. Ortak oneri, Meksika toplantisinda, Vodafone Grup/Standartlar Ekibi tarafindan sunuldu. Ancak bu toplantıda önerinin ülkeye özel bir çözüm olduğu ve bu tabloda her ülke için yeterince yer olmadığı için bu şekliyle kabul edilmedi.

Konunun 3GPP'de duyulması üzerine sms konusundaki ilk standardı hazırlayanlardan Ian Harris bir çözüm önerisiyle geldi. Ancak bu önerinin geriye uyumluluğu sorunluydu. E-posta'lar ile yapılan yazışmalar sonucunda Dan Warren ve Ian Harris biraraya gelerek iki çözümü birleştirdiler. Bu halinin 19-21 Şubat'ta Atina'da yapılacak teknik toplantıya sunulması kararlaştırıldı. Konuyu yakından takip etmek ve ülkemiz için en iyi çözüme karar verildiğine katki saglamak için Vodafone olarak uzmanımız Murat Eren'i de Atina'ya gönderdik.

Atina'daki toplantıda katilan ureticilerden de başka çözüm önerileri geldi. Bunun üzerine bir çalışma grubu oluşturuldu. Burada yeni önerilerden birisi uygun bulunmadı. Bir baska ureticinin çözümü ile diğer ortak çözümün iyi yönleri alınarak çözümler tekrar birleştirildi. Genel teamul olarak, nihai cozumun bolgesel desteklenmesinin daha verimli olabilecegi tartisilirken, uzmanımız Murat Eren'in ısrarı sonucunda, bir ülke için yukarıda anlatılan her iki yöntemin de varolabilmesi ve tüm telefonlarda bu tabloların hepsinin desteklenmesi sağlandı.

Türkiye'de geri uyumluluk için şu an Single Shift (Türkçe GSM Genişleme Tablosu) mekanizmasının kullanılması gerekiyor. Ancak Atina'da Locking Shift mekanizması için gerekli olan Türkçe GSM Ana Tablosu da tanımlandı ve şu an kullanılmayacak olsa bile yeni telefonların hepsinde bu tablonun da desteklenmesi sağlandı. Bu sayede geriye uyumluluğun bir problem oluşturmayacağı bir zaman (örneğin 5 yıl sonra) dilerse Türkiye artık Locking Shift yöntemine geçiş yapabilecek.

turk.internet.com : Bundan sonraki aşamada neler olacak ve ne kadar süre alacak? Yani silintisiz bir şekilde Türkçe SMS ne zaman atmaya başlayacağız?

Dr.K.Murat Ekşioğlu :
Atina'daki toplantı teknik bir toplantıydı. Burada detaylandırılan ve onaylanan önerinin 10-13 Mart tarihlerinde Meksika'da yapılacak 3GPP Genel Kurul toplantısında tekrar onaylanması gerekiyor. Üzerinde pek çok üretici ve operatörün uzlaştığı bu çözümün son onayı konusunda bir sıkıntı yaşanması beklenmiyor. Bu onaydan sonra 3 hafta içinde standarttaki değişikliğin gerçekleşmesi bekleniyor.

Sonrası üreticilerin standardın yeni halini telefonlarına uygulamasına kalıyor. Bu aşamada da TK'nın verdiği süre olan 1 Temmuz 2008 devreye giriyor. Bu tarihten itibaren ithal edilecek tüm cep telefonlarının standardın yeni halini desteklemesi gerekecek.

turk.internet.com : Bunun ülkemize katkısı ne olacak?

Dr.K.Murat Ekşioğlu :
Dilimizi tüm harfleriyle kullanabileceğiz ve özel karakterimizi kullandığımız için mesaj uzunluğumuz 70 karaktere düşmeyeceğiz. Ayrıca daha önce başka ülkeler de kendi harfleri konusunda benzer isteklerle 3GPP'ye gelmişler ve UCS-2 alfabesini kullanmaları söylenerek geri çevrilmişler. Ancak TK'nın aldığı karar ve ciddi takibi sayesinde Türkiye tüm ülkeler için çözüm yaratılmasına önayak oldu. Ve tanımlanan ilk dil de Türkçe oldu.

24 Şub 2008

Vodafone and Roshan Launch First Mobile Money Transfer Service in Afghanistan

Vodafone and Roshan Launch First Mobile Money Transfer Service in Afghanistan

Vodafone and Roshan announced the launch of Afghanistan's first mobile money transfer system. The service, branded M-Paisa, is a mobile technology platform that provides financial services for those without access to banking and aims to facilitate economic activity in the region.

The M-Paisa system builds on Vodafone’s M-PESA mobile money transfer service in Kenya which has seen 1.6 million people register as customers since its launch in March 2007. At launch the Afghan service will, however, have a significantly different focus from the Kenyan version. Initially M-Paisa will act mainly as a vehicle for microfinance institutions’ (MFI) loan disbursements and repayments, with an additional range of business to business applications such as salary disbursement and airtime distribution. Consumer person-to-person transactions will also be available from the outset, enabling those MFI clients and employees who have received their money via M-Paisa to benefit from the full capabilities of the service.

Roshan and Vodafone are trialing interactive voice recognition services which, when launched later in the year, will enable greater use of M-Paisa by consumers who might otherwise be excluded due to high illiteracy rates in Afghanistan.

Roshan’s retail outlets will serve as transaction points for the withdrawal or paying in of money, thus reducing any dependence on financial institutions. Currently, there are 50 M-Paisa-trained dealers in the cities of Kabul, Mazar, Jalalabad and Herat; Roshan is looking to expand agent reach nationwide by the end of 2008. In addition, M-Paisa will be used by major organisations such as Afghanistan’s The First MicroFinanceBank and FINCA – one of the world’s largest microfinance institutions. The First MicroFinanceBank has successfully used the service to disburse funds and accept loan repayments while FINCA is currently trialing the product. Other institutions within Afghanistan will soon use M-Paisa to disburse salaries to their unbanked employees.

22 Şub 2008

Enforta chooses Airspan for WiMAX expansion

Enforta chooses Airspan for WiMAX expansion

The Russian WiMAX operator Enforta has awarded a network expansion contract to US equipment vendor Airspan. Airspan will provide its MicroMAX base stations and related CPEs in the 3.5GHz band. Enforta launched its first WiMAX services in mid-2006 and now provides high speed internet, telephony, and VPN services to 14 000 corporate customers in 33 of Russia's regional capital cities. It plans to expand its operating footprint to 65 of Russia's largest cities by the end of 2008.

Orange and Vodafone team up on mobile masts in UK

Orange and Vodafone team up on mobile masts

Mobile operators Orange and Vodafone have agreed to share network resources. The pair had been in talks about how they could work together since last year.

Orange and Vodafone said the deal to share 2G and 3G mobile masts in the UK, which will start to be implemented this year, will see more customers benefit from better quality mobile coverage. Half of the UK's population — the pair's combined customer base — will be able to make use of the pooled resources, they said.

The deal will reduce operational costs for the two companies as the number of mast sites can be reduced by an estimated 15 percent — or almost 3,000 sites — in the first two years alone. This reduction also has environmental benefits, according to the two companies.

The pair said they will continue to maintain separate networks and retain full responsibility for quality of service to their respective customers. They will also continue to compete in the UK mobile and wholesale markets.

The agreement follows a recent network love-in between rival operators 3 and T-Mobile. Network sharing is not on operator O2's agenda, however. Ben Dowd, head of business sales at O2, recently told ZDNet.co.uk's sister site silicon.com that owning its own network is a unique selling point for the company.

21 Şub 2008

Avea Launches Windows Live Messenger Service from Colibria

Turkish Operator Launches Windows Live Messenger Service

Turkey's Avea has launched a Windows Live Messenger service to its ten million mobile subscribers by using Colibria software. The service will enable subscribers to instantly send and receive pictures, and sound, as well as conduct multi-party conversations with other Windows Live Messenger users.

Keith Gibson, CEO of Colibria commented, "Turkey is one of the most innovative mobile markets in the world. This is proven by the Windows Live Messenger service we're launching with Avea. Colibria has constantly demonstrated that it has the most innovative and flexible MIM solutions in the market today, illustrated by our track record of successful deployments throughout 2007."

I.lker Koçak, CMO of Avea added, "With support from MSN, Windows Live Messenger solution was the obvious choice. Simple to implement and with the flexibility we demand to move fast, we're confident that this solution will help us continue our drive as the most innovative operator in the region." Ilker Koçak continued, "The appetite among our subscribers to be constantly in touch with their friends and family is growing and this is a key development in satisfying that hunger."

20 Şub 2008

Ericsson to sell its enterprise PBX solutions to Aastra Technologies

Ericsson to divest its enterprise PBX solutions to Aastra Technologies

Ericsson has entered into an agreement to divest its enterprise PBX solutions business to Aastra Technologies. The agreement involves transfer of approximately 630 employees of which some 360 are based in Sweden. The transaction is expected to close in April 2008. From now on, Ericsson will focus on providing its broad portfolio of enterprise applications directly to operators and service providers.

Ericsson’s enterprise PBX solutions business is a leading provider of IP PBX, converged PBX systems and branch office solutions. The product portfolio includes communications solutions for enterprises of all sizes, mobility solutions, telephone terminals and services. Sales in 2007 amounted to approximately USD 474 million. The purchase price is USD 102 million excluding net of assets and liabilities. A capital gain of approximately USD 31 million is expected.

Ericsson has a strategic focus on telecommunication operators and service providers, hence considers its enterprise PBX solutions business to be outside its core focus. In addition, the enterprise communications industry is becoming increasingly global and is clearly gravitating toward consolidation. Therefore, Ericsson believes that the enterprise PBX solutions will add significant competence and value to Aastra Technologies, adding leading products and a significant customer base for PBX solutions. This will also be a positive step for Ericsson’s enterprise customers, partners and employees, combining Ericsson’s and Aastra Technologies’ leading product portfolios.

Executing on the strategy for the multimedia business, Ericsson will focus on providing its broad portfolio of enterprise applications directly to operators and service providers. Strategic products from the acquisition of Netwise will also remain within Ericsson.

The agreement is subject to approvals from relevant competition authorities.