Google to acquire Sprint Nextel for Mobile WiMax?
It's just a rumor, in fact, it feels more like speculation than anything backed by a reputable source; still, there's a Google / Sprint buzz getting a lot of play this morning. Rich Tehrani is reporting that Google is considering an acquisition of Sprint Nextel in order to grow its mobile business. Of course, Google has long touted the importance it places on mobile ad revenues, made all the more evident by their recent preparation for the 700MHz auction and the figurehead role Google now plays in the Open Handset Alliance's Android platform. Sprint, for its part, is already on good terms with Google as a member of the OHA and that WiMAX mobile services deal which Clearwire just bailed on. In fact, it's access to that beleaguered WiMAX network which has the pundits in such a tizzy. While we'd love to see Google in a deal with Apple, Intel, Motorola and others to bring mobile broadband to the masses, we're filing this one under musings from Neverland until this one can firm up a bit.
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