Turkcell's Innovative Human Resources Program Wins GSM Association Award
Turkcell has won the top award in the "Innovation Through Human Resources and Skills Programs" category of the Global People Initiative competition held by the GSM Association, a global trade association representing more than 700 GSM mobile phone operators across 217 territories and countries around the world.
The competition, which was held for the first-time this year, aims to make the GSM sector the sector of choice for employment amongst the world's most skilled employees. Turkcell's "This One Deserves an Award!" program recognizes Turkcell employees that make real a difference with their ideas, works and actions.
Selen Kocabas, Turkcell's Chief Business Support Officer, received the Award on behalf of her company in Barcelona and said: "We offer our employees a well-rounded professional life at Turkcell. We try to create an environment that fosters innovation, not only in our technology but in every area of the Company. This award recognizes the support that Turkcell gives to the innovation and creativity of our employees and their contributions - we are delighted to receive it from such an internationally recognized institution."
Turkcell's "This One Deserves an Award!" program has two elements. Through the "I have Had a Great Idea" platform employees who submit an idea, and those that develop and realize it, receive Turkcell awards. In addition, employees can nominate their colleagues for working beyond their pre-defined roles and responsibilities and so making a real difference. In the past four and a half years the program has led to highly motivated employees, which in turn has generated immeasurable customer satisfaction.
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