Competition council fines France Telecom $64 mln
France's competition council slapped a 45-million-euro ($64.08 million) fine on France Telecom for abusing its dominant position in the country's wholesale broadband market in 2001 and 2002.
France Telecom, which now trades mainly as Orange, did not contest the fine and said the practices were "old and buried."
The procedure stems from a complaint lodged in 2001 by rival Club Internet, then owned by Deutsche Telekom, when France Telecom had a 90 percent share of the market.
The competition watchdog said the operator had acted to prevent the emergence of rivals on the market.
As of June 30 Orange had a stable share of the consumer broadband market of 49.2 percent.
1 yorum:
Turkiyedeki bugunku genisbant rekabet ortami Fransanin 2001 yilindaki durumuna benzedigine gore, Fransa’dan 6 yil gerideyiz diyebiliriz herhalde. Fransa’da bugun ayda 30 euroya “28 Mbit internet bagalntisi” + “IPTV (200+ kanal + HDTV + VoD)” + “50 ülkenin sabit hatlarıyla sinirsiz telefon gorusmesi” hizmeti veriliyor ben burda ayda ayni paraya sadece 1 Mbps Internet baglantisi alabiliyorum. Gerci 2001 yilinda acilan davanin 2007 yilinda sonuclanmis olmasi Fransada da hukuk sisteminin pek hizli olmadigini soyluyor bize, hic olmazsa o konuda aramizda cok fark yok :)
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